JSF Timeline

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When you read this timeline, this is not to be confused or compared to our current state of events. Yes, it will 'somewhat' talk about our current events and problems, but that's where I'm gonna make some changes. There will be themes, events, and subjects that many will find either uncomfortable or offensive. Just know that I'm trying not to be political here. These are just ideas that I see as the most realistic scenario that I think will happen.

Also, there's gonna be some religious elements in this timeline. For those who are Christians, Jewish, Muslims, Catholics, Hindus, etc. there will be some parts in the timeline that you will find both extremely offensive and very insulting to your religious faith. I'm not trying to mock your or promote Atheism, nor am I trying to show antisemitism for those who are Jewish. This is all just a story, so I don't want anything to take this seriously or throw insults.

This is a story, NOT politics. I don't want my account being deleted again for the wrong reasons.



-Donald Trump is elected as the 45th President of the United States.

-His elections sparks outrage among the American people, especially those who are migrants.

-Some American states like Texas and California threaten secession but somehow the US is able to keep the states from breaking away.


-Donal Trump implements a controversial policy called the family separation. It's a means to apprehended migrants from the US-Mexico border. Trump's demand for the federal funding of a border wall resulted in the longest US government shutdown in history.

2019: COVID-19

-A widespread pandemic called the Coronavirus or COVID-19 had begun to spread all across the world.

-Due to the pandemic, it has led to worldwide chaos and anarchy due to the fact that hundreds of millions of people are infected with many dying as a result.

-Many jobs and business are closed or destroyed due to the fact that many nations have begun to close their boarder in an effort to halt the spread.

-Because its origins come from China, this had led to racial hate crimes against all Asians, blaming them for bring this pandemic to their countries and the deaths of their loved ones.


-After constant research and analyzing the virus, a vaccine is created to help counter the virus. This helps bring relief and aid to those affected by COVID.


-On May 25, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, a Black American by the name of George Floyd is killed by White Police Officers during an arrest made after a store clerk suspected Floyd may have used a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill. After his murder, protests against police brutality, especially towards black people, quickly spread across the United States and globally. His dying words, 'I can't breathe', became a rallying slogan.

-His death would lead to the formation of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement and protests began to occur globally against the use of excessive force by police officers against black suspects and lack of police accountability. Protests began in Minneapolis the day after his murder and developed in cities throughout all 50 U.S. states and internationally.

-The New York Times described the events in the wake of Floyd's murder and video that circulated of it as 'the largest protests in the United States since the Civil Rights era'. Calls to both defund and abolish the police were widespread.

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