UN Supernatural and Extraterrestrial Species

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History: Despite the UN's main goal of fighting against both Supernatural and Extraterrestrial threats in order to ensure the survival of the human race, they have made allies from both forces. There were some Supernatural and Extraterrestrial that wish to live in peace or seek allies to protect them from hostile factions. Needless to say, due to the Templar Order and the Archangel Angelo, the UN had begun to seek out allies/friends to help better ensure the survival of the human. The results were mixed as humanity is either friendly or neutral with certain factions. Regardless, its far better than being outright hostile that seek to exterminate them.

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Angels: Angels are the divine celestial beings that appear in every Abrahamic religion (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) as manifestations of God's will and to rule and protect Creation from all beings that seek to destroy it. Humanity's relationship with the Angels of Heaven is rocky at best. Due to all the sin and corruption humanity has done over the past thousands of years, almost all Angels outright hate the human race, with very few actually being genuinely friendly towards them. Yet despite that, when the UN was formed and they started fighting back against the forces of Hell, the Angels were 'somewhat' willing to tolerate their presence. However, their perspective on humans began to change in the aftermath of the Apocalypse when their mother Asherah called them out and expressed how she was both angry and disappointed at how her family had become, claiming they have shown to be even worse than the demons they slaughter. Needless to say, this had shaken them to the core and had caused many to look back on their outlook. In the end, because of Neo and some members of the UN, the Angels have begun to interact with humans more and slowly but surely, the two races have begun to reach a mutual understand with one another, allowing for a more peaceful coexistence. Thus, the Angels finally put their resentment and past behind them, now working WITH humanity and not against them.

 Thus, the Angels finally put their resentment and past behind them, now working WITH humanity and not against them

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Anunnaki: A race of ancient extraterrestrial godly entities responsible for aiding humanity to build the first civilizations on Earth. The Anunnaki were among the first race of extraterrestrials to visit the Earth particularly during its primeval epoch. They arrived from the planet Nibiru, having come to Earth around 500,000 years ago and constructed a base of operations in order to mine gold after discovering that the planet was rich in the precious metal. They appeared before the early descendants of Adam and Eve, offering them their assistance in surviving the harsh conditions of the planet in return for sharing the planet's resources with them. The humans would share the secrets they obtained from angels who pitied them with the Anunnaki and through a perfectly balanced mixture of science and the supernatural were able to help the humans advance and evolve faster than what is considered normal despite it taking several hundred years to do so. According to Milo Thatch of the B. P. R. D., the Anunnaki possessed technology that is so advanced it almost seemed like magic and were somehow able to harness the lingering power of the Secret Fire that dwelt within humanity to unlock their latent potential, creating many wondrous monuments and kingdoms. Their activities would not go unnoticed by Heaven and instead of treating the Anunnaki with hostility, the angels who still stood in support for the human race would express their gratitude by raising a continent from deep beneath the ocean courtesy of Rahab, the Golden Kingdom of Hyperborea. Eventually, the UN would be able to reawaken the Anunnaki race in the North Pole and once awoken, they would assist the UN in their wars against the Supernatural while also rebuilding their race and getting into contact with their home world of Nibiru.

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