His number? || 14

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It's been days since Tanner, Larry and I hung out. I've stayed in my room for the rest of the week, only coming out for food. That day was fun and exactly what I needed after the argument with Nick but then of course he had to ruin it. I mean, who does he think he is, telling me what to do.

I let out a sigh and sat up in my bed. Grumbling, I stood up and walked out of my room. I slowly made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen. It was very quiet, nobody was out of their rooms.

A smile made its way onto my lips when I realized I was alone. I grabbed a box of cereal, humming as I did so. I poured the cereal then the milk (because I'm not a psychopath) and began to eat in peace. It felt nice to have my alone time away from the guys. Don't get me wrong, I've come to love them all as my brothers, well... except for one, but it takes a lot out of a person hanging out with them all the time.

Once I finished my cereal I put the bowl and spoon away in the sink and went to the living room. Letting out a sigh of content, I sat on the couch and turned the TV on, putting on one of my favorite shows.

An hour went by and footsteps caught my attention, I looked away from the screen and saw Nick walking over. I held in a groan and turned my gaze back to the TV, hopefully he gets the memo

He didn't.

Nick sat on the couch a couple inches away from me. I didn't dare say a word and neither did Nick. We sat in silence, save for the show I was watching, for awhile. I almost forgot he was there until he began to speak.

"So... (Y/n).."

I looked over at him with a blank expression. He looked back with regret shining in his eyes. I had to quickly look away because I was starting to feel bad. He was my best friend after all, and it was hard ignoring him. He deserves it though.. I thought to myself, pressing my lips into a tight line.

"Listen, I'm really sorry."

I raised an eyebrow but kept my gaze on the TV screen. Nick cleared his throat and spoke again.

"I'm sorry for the other day.. but-"

Oh great. I rolled my eyes and got up. I shot him a glare and began walking up the stairs back to my room. As I was crossing the little bridge connecting the two sides of the upstairs Blake walked out of Tanner's room that was across from mine.

I frowned slightly, I hate that Nick ruined our friendship. I was just starting to get closer to him but that one night ruined everything.

Blake didn't seem to notice me, but if he did he didn't show it. His eyes were staring at the open space above my head but they quickly looked downstairs to where Nick was sitting. Suddenly I felt a folded piece of paper being placed roughly inside the palm of my hand. I looked down at my hand and back up but Blake was already inside his room.

I stood there puzzled and walked to my room. Once I was inside, I closed the door and sat on my bed. I slowly unfolded the paper and what I saw surprised me. It was a phone number. My eyes widened and I felt my cheeks grow warm. He gave me his number.

A smile tugged at my lips and I immediately put the number into my phone.

"Do I text him..?" I whispered to myself, staring at his contact in my phone. It felt too soon. Would I come across as desperate? Would he figure out I like him? I sighed and fell back onto my bed.

After awhile of thinking it over I got up and went to my desk. I turned my pc on and began watching a video on YouTube, one of Nick's vlogs to be exact.

Halfway through I was already dying from laughing. These guys were hilarious! I regret not watching these videos sooner. To think I'm living with them now, with my best friend Nick and Blake. What were the odds?

Unfortunately thinking of the two guys put me in a sour mood. I missed talking to Nick, he's been by my side for a long time.. I hate how one night changed all that.

A buzz from my phone broke me from my thoughts. I grabbed it and checked the notification from Instagram. Someone started to follow me. I took a look at their profile but didn't recognize them so I removed them as a follower and didn't think too much about it.

Now with the phone in my hand, the memory of Blake giving me his phone number popped into my mind. A blush fell across my cheeks as I went to call him almost subconsciously. I didn't have time to think before he answered after the first ring.


Oh boy, what was I thinking?

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