I like him || 28

395 22 10

When we got back to the house I immediately made a run for my room. No way was I going to stand around and wait for Blake to come talk to me, I feared I would punch him. I know I had no right to be this jealous, we weren't even together, but we kissed and that should mean something.

But it doesn't because he doesn't remember.

I groaned in frustration before grabbing a pillow off my bed to shove my face into and scream. Should I tell him about the kiss? Maybe I was being too petty. I threw the pillow back onto my bed and sat down in my chair with an exasperated sigh. The sound of knocking on my door startled me and in came Isaac. His eyebrows were scrunched in concern and he approached me with wide arms, inviting me into a hug.

I smiled softly and sat up to wrap my arms around his torso. We stayed there for a minute before he let me go and sat down on my bed, looking at me curiously.

"Everything okay?"

I frowned and casted a glance towards the floor. Closing my eyes for a second I looked back up at him and shook my head. "I saw him talking to another girl." I whispered tentatively. I didn't have to specify who I was talking about, at this point it was self explanatory. Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard me. "Really?"

I nodded, eyes starting to tear up before I shook my head firmly. Jesus am I really this dramatic?

Isaac pressed his lips together and opened his mouth to speak but just as he went to utter his first word, Nick walked into my room already eyeing the two of us in confusion.

"Okay now I know for sure something is going on. (Y/n) what's wrong?" Nick asked, his eyes now solely on me. I hesitated, glancing over at Isaac unsure of what to say. "Please (Y/n), tell me what's been bothering you."

I blinked before blurting out.

"I like Isaac."


Nick stared at me. I stared back. I could feel Isaac's gaze boring deep into my soul. It was a tense couple seconds before Nick spoke up.

"No you don't."

"No I don't."

I agreed sheepishly. Isaac laughed slightly causing Nick to look over at him and shake his head. "We had this talk literally the other day where I assumed you liked Isaac and you adamantly refused."

"Oh right..." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"So what's really going on?"

I bit my lip and looked over at Isaac who nodded his head encouragingly so I looked back at Nick and shrugged. "I like this guy and he doesn't know well he somewhat does.. He's kind of been making me lose my mind, giving mixed signals, talking to other girls..." My voice trailed off as I waited for Nick's reply.

"So you do like someone.. mind telling me who?"

"I can't tell you."

Nick was quiet for a bit, looking at me before nodding slowly. "Okay... is this like a Dominic situation?"


Isaac's voice caused me to jump. I glanced between Isaac and Nick, with Nick mouthing sorry, before letting out a sigh. "An ex of mine. He.. wasn't the best guy to be around."

"Well that's an understatement." Nick scoffed causing me to blush in embarrassment but nod in agreement. Isaac didn't say anything but seemed to understand. I focused back onto Nick before speaking again.

"To answer your question no, it is not a Dominic situation. He isn't like that, he's just.."

"Stupid. He's stupid." Isaac said finishing my sentence. Nick looked at him with a raised eyebrow before shrugging. "Okay. He's stupid. So what? If he's playing with you the only solution I see is to move on."

I groaned before moving to sit next to Isaac on my bed. "It's not that easy Nick. We confessed to each other and we kissed! But he doesn't remember because he was really wasted." After speaking I immediately placed a hand over my mouth, realizing I had over shared what I wanted to Nick.

"You.. what?" Nick asked staring me down with an intense gaze. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to escalate the situation. His eyes traveled over my body before tearing away. "That's unfortunate. I'm really sorry (Y/n)."

I blinked in surprise. He wasn't going to yell at me?

"I see now why you've been acting this way lately. I wish I knew how to help or what to say but I don't."

My hand slowly fell onto my lap and I smiled softly. "It's okay Nick, thank you for understanding. That's all I could ask for from my best friend."

At the mention of being best friends he looked back up at me with his own smile and walked over to give me a hug. I glanced at Isaac and reached an arm out to invite him over. He narrowed his eyes slightly but scooted closer and wrapped his arms around Nick and I. Right then I realized I had never felt so loved in a while. The sense of belonging and support was almost overwhelming. Last time I felt this security was with my brother when he would be there whenever something caused me to become upset. I wouldn't always appreciate Kaden for that. Sure he was my brother but that didn't mean he had to do that.

Speaking of, I wonder how Kaden is doing. I haven't spoken to him since I first learned I was being evicted. Maybe I should call him later. My eyes shot to the clock on the wall, widening when it read 12:20. Okay maybe not tonight but definitely tomorrow.

Isaac let go causing Nick to follow lead, tearing me from my thoughts. We all looked at each other before Isaac stood up, placed a hand on my shoulder, and left the room. Nick watched him leave before grabbing my arm to pull me up and wrapped me in another hug. This one didn't last as long but I still enjoyed every bit of it.

"I'm going to head to bed now, don't hesitate to come talk to me whenever you need. I'll always be here."

I smiled and nodded as Nick left my room also. Now I was alone.

I quickly got changed and laid down in my bed, buzzing with excitement at the thought of talking to my brother again. The thought of Blake was far gone at this point which made it easier to fall asleep compared to the other days. For once I wasn't worried about him.

A/N: I kicked Covid's ass guys. Teehee. Anyways if y'all wouldn't mind, would you do me the favor of checking out my new tiktok account? Same user as here 'iluvswissghoul'. I'm going to be posting edits I make and memes. I think it would be a neat way of you guys getting to know me better and a way for me to be more interactive with you all.

Ooo while I have you here, how's the story going so far? Enjoying it? Be honest.

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