Bow chicka wow wow || 21

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He asked as I kept my gaze on the sky firm. I can't look at him now. Why did I even say that?

"(Y/N) what did you just say."

I kept my mouth shut tight as I continued to look up.
No no no no.

Suddenly, I felt a hand place itself on my cheek, moving my head gently so I was looking right at Blake's face.

"Please. What did you say."

Blake asked again, desperation coating his voice.

"I like.. you."

I said softly, shifting my eyes down to the bench.

"Look at me."

I swallowed hard but looked back up feeling butterflies flies from the look on his face. His droopy puppy eyes and his roughed up hair. Oh lord.

"I like you too."

My mouth fell open as I stared dumbly at him. No way he just said that. He let out a laugh and rubbed his thumb across my cheek. I totally forgot he was holding my face. I slowly reached up and grabbed his hand in mine, flinching at how warm it was, before taking it off my face.

"You're drunk.. and high.. I don't believe a word you say."

I said narrowing my eyes but couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my lips.

"You know what they say, drunk words are sober thoughts."

He said that too seriously. I rolled my eyes and reached for the third almost empty bottle he had in his lap. He shot me a confused look but I ignored it and took a swig. I immediately began gagging at the taste.

"I still don't- believe- you."

I managed to say through coughs and gags. Blake didn't say anything as he grabbed the bottle back from me and finished it.

Then, just suddenly, he threw the bottle down on the ground and cupped both sides of my face with his hands and roughly pulled me closer to him where his lips met mine.

Immediately my eyes widened and I pulled away to look at Blake. He looked back hurt and confused.

"I- I'm sorry I don't know what came ov-"

I cut him off my planting my lips back onto his, continuing the kiss. It was intense from the get go. The heat from both of us awakened something inside of me and in an instant the kiss deepened and became sloppy and almost desperate. Like we were both waiting for his moment to happen. The thought made me flustered.

He likes me back.

I smiled into the kiss as I moved a hand up his neck and into his hair and grabbed a fist full. I've always wanted to touch his hair, and now here I was.

He groaned slightly as I tugged at his hair. God he was so hot.

I was then surprised when he grabbed my bottom lip between his teeth, gently biting it. I instantly knew what he was asking for and shamelessly opened my mouth for his tongue to enter and feverishly explore every nook and cranny of my mouth. The taste of alcohol on his breath heavily coated the inside of my mouth but I could care less at this point.

Slowly, I began losing myself within the kiss. I've dreamt of this day for so long.

Unfortunately the distant sound of a car honking brought me back to reality and it seemed to do the same to Blake. We both opened our eyes at the same time and pulled away together. There, we both sat, breathing heavily as we stared at one another.

"We should probably get back.. I don't want Nick getting upset again..."

I mumbled, looking away embarrassed.

"You're right."

Blake agreed and stood up. He then began putting all the things away in his bag and threw the empty bottles away. I stood up too and shoved my hands in the pocket of my hoodie when the cool breeze made itself known now that I didn't have Blake so close to me.

Once we finished cleaning up, we walked back to the house in silence. Every once in awhile I would catch him looking at me and I'm sure he noticed the same from me.

We reached the house in no time and did our best to be as quiet as possible when entering knowing what would happen if we woke up the others. When I closed the door I turned around and saw Blake already passed out on the couch. I had to cover my mouth so he wouldn't wake up to my laughter as I pulled my phone out and took a picture of him.

I would've moved him to his room but he's like 6 foot 3 and definitely would flatten me if I tried picking him up. I decided to just leave him and head to my room seeing as I myself was feeling incredibly tired.

When I finished getting undressed and dressed in different clothes I jumped into bed and closed my eyes. I can't believe that actually happened.... I just wonder how tomorrow will go...

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