part 13

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In basement

Someone scream like no more.

Suddenly the door open with huge sound.

Wangji come with others and see those bustards whom are tide with chains spacial chain which made by 4 omega queens. Without their help on one can brake that.

"Speak why your girl here to seduce Sean when he is in rut.? Even he dare to push my alpha, how dare she, what's your plan? Do you think we can consider your girl for my child's mate? Who told you do that, all I know your girl already found his mate but she killed her, do you know who your was messed?

For your kind information your girl is dead, and you know who kill her?

My son's mate." Wangji Said with smirking

"Impossible, how? He told that Sean's mate is not in write age Even if he is in his write age he can't kill my daughter because she has a locket which project her form lan clan's lion." Mr. Zhou said with disbelief look.

"What do you think and what do your master think my son some normal omega?

I'm jin Yao, my mother is from legendary clan wei 1 omega wolf, do you think I'm a simple wolf? Stupid,, no one know who is my mother, with out Wei clan's, jin and jiyang clan's,   and my husband, even lan clan's members also don't know who I'm.

And you so called master my uncle in law even don't know.

So stupid this your master locket doesn't work when it's come to my family.

That old bustard even after so many years he don't want live life peacefully, all time he do something that.

Wangji this time I don't spear him. You don't stop me." Yao said with anger

Listen all thing Zhou family is now shaking with fear.

"I don't stop you, i want you leave it in yibo's hand, i know after we kill this 3 bustard he don't stop, so it will help yibo wake up early,  if he keep try attacking sean, we have just make sure that he can't escape this time and im sure this time ge ge also will support us." Wangji Said

"Ok now let's go we start our games." Yanli said with smirking

With long torture legendary 4 omega kill those bustard.

After that they come out from basement and go get fresh their respective room.

After that they start making lunch and keep speak and laughing.

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