part 23

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Ning and his mate come out from ot with 3 babies.

Ning go near wuxian and give 2 babies and said,

"Congratulations! In 100 years 1st in wei clan bron a omega son phenix and see he also have a soulmate mark on his forehead, and he look like when zhan is new bron, like they are twins,

And this is your alpha son but not phenix he is lion like his mother. Now take you two babies"

Ning give 2 babies in wuxian's lap then wuxian see that on his omega son's head fire mark in cloud pattern. Seeing that he is shocked. Then he smirk and said to xichen

"Now your luck is god you compiling that my son snatch your omega son, now you have to again face that

Now my omega phenix son snatch your alpha son see your son's forehead you understand everything. "

Listen that xichen hurriedly go near Ning's mate and snatch from him his baby, and see mark on babies forehead, like fire under cloud pattern. Then stay like statue. Then he hear ji li said

"Your baby is alpha but lion like you and wangji ge ge, he is wolf like his mother."

Hearing and seeing that xichen gritted his teeth and said,

"Wuxian not this time, this time me alpha snatch your omega son and stay with our gusu lan clan, after finishing our enemy, you will see."

"Ok ok we have more then one & half year, we all will see." Wuxian  say.

After completing arguing they go a big ward where Yao and wangji was shift after delivery.

When they enter room they saw wangji and Yao already wake and they talking each other. Then xichen and wuxian go near their wife and glare each, then they give their babies to wife's.

Wangji and Yao is look each like they try to understand situation, then they look yanli like they ask what is going on.

Understand what they ask yanli clear all situation, they start laughing and then they admire their beautiful babies, after long struggle wangji give twins birth, thinking that tears rolls from his eyes.

Suddenly zhan come ward with carried yibo. More then half year over yibo like this, now yibo is 10 years and 3 months, they have to wait long,

Time pass and zhan's mood not better, but going towards worst,

Zhan said,

"Yibo want to feel his baby brother, that's why i come to take his here."

Then he go near Yao and his baby, and set down stool and make a sit yibo near by chair and carry Yao's baby and lay down yibo's lap, and take yibo hand and pat babies head with yibo's hand.

Seeing that Yao silently sobbing, Suddenly zhan said

"Yibo want to give his name lan xie yun and his soulmates a
Name wei gu,

Dad can you please take my twins brother here? Yibo wants to fell them."

Listen wuxian take his twins and go near zhan and one by one place babies yibo's lap, they all see tears rolling from yibo's  eyes, like he wants to play those baby but he can't his fate not his side,

That time again said zhan "yibo gives my second twin brother a name which is wei xiang kong and said that you will find his mate in one day."

Said that zhan take yibo again bridal style and go towards his room.

Listen that wangji sobbing and said

"Why our fate is so bad, that our two precious babies suffer like that, one side zhan- yibo other side jingi-lulu,."

Listen that qing's eyes glow in red and said with anger

"After we settle our inner matter then in my own hand I'll kill those bustard."

Seeing cheng try to cool down his wife,

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