part 15

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Two days later

They all know what happened when Sean's room will open but aslo they have some hope that yibo will be all right

All family members are outside Sean's room. They wait for opening room.

Inside room

Spending 3 hot night Sean and is sleeping now, after some time Sean wake up from his sleep and seen yibo is sleep hugging him and they are full naked.

Sean remember their passionate night and blush. He go near yibo and palnt a soft kiss on yibo's forehead. Then he get up from bed and wash himself and also wash yibo.

After dress up Sean lay yibo on bed, and go to open rooms door.

Then he shocked seeing his whole family waiting for them outside his room.

"Why you are out side my room?" Sean ask

"We will tell you later, 1st you say how is yibo? Is he wake up?" Yao ask with desperated voice.

"No he is sleeping, i think after sometime he will wake up. You all come in." Sean said with confusion

Listening Sean's word Yao fall on floor and start crying.

Xichen go near Yao and hold him, then stand on him leg and said

"Come on we all know na, then why you this time, iss stop crying go we go near our son." Then they all go inside room for seeing yibo.

But sean feel something bad will happened. So he ask

"What you all hide from me?"

"I'll told you baby but wait for sometime." Wangji Said and go near yibo and start checking.

"What we think that's right. This time we have to protect yibo that's all. A-zhan from now you will study from home and you stay with yibo all time don't let him alone at any cost." Wangji Said.

"Mom please say why are you saying that?" Sean ask with desperated voice

Then wuxian explain all thing, Listening that sean go near yibo and hug tidely then said

"Don't warry, ill say with him all time so nothing will bed happened," Said with clam voice then again said

"You all go after some time when register will come call me i will come with yibo."

Listening that all come out from Sean's room and waiting living room for register because today yuan and Ling will be legally married.

Other side When all come out Sean lock then door and hugging yibo start cried loudly. His animal aslo feel his pain and that's why outside villa's sky transfer his color blue form dark red.

Seeing cheng said

"You and your son is really something."

"We are love our mate unconditionally that's why?"wuxian said

"What you said, i don't love my wife? Youuu" zixuan cut Cheng's word and said

"you two please stop,"

Suddenly a loud Sound come from sky

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