part 25

411 25 1

After 1 year 8 months

All family members wait for ending 1 month, after 1 month yibo will wake up on his 12th birthday.

Other side xichen and xuyang is in gusu, they already control their clan elder and take over all power.

And this side wuxian and jingi creat some plan, and all alphas is involve in this. Today is their plans last part will execute. That's why they through a party for engagement Ning and ji li, and in this party xiao family also invited.

All family members are in living room with guests but jingi, lu lu, yuan, zhan, yibo, li li is not their.

Only jin Ling and wan is here with their Parents. Other side on 11th floor all babies are their, no out sider know that they also exsit their. But for safety purpose yanli and jiyang with their.

After ring exchange wan call zhan to come out from room, to start their plan. Other side wuxian call li bo wan and said

"Capture that old lan goat, lan ruhan and come here in 1 hour, here's plan aslo start. Today i will on my own hand." Then he cut the call.

After 10 minutes zhan come downstairs but without yibo this is 1st time zhan come out from room. Zhan fell uncomfortable but also feel that some going to happen but good or bad he don't know.

He come near wan and Ling and set with them. After some time cheng xiao and his omega brother aslo come near their. They introduce him self

"Hi zhan I'm cheng xiao and this is my omega brother. Can we set hare?"

Zhan said "yes."

Then cheng xiao set near zhan and start talking with zhan, zhan hear yibo said through mind link

'huu are you trying to cheat your mate future phenix king? After mateing with me are you try to dump me?

Are you bored with me? Because im in coma for nearly 2year?

Ge ge don't cheat me ill wake up in one month please ge ge.'

Hear this zhan smirking but he don't reply.

That time cheng xiao hold zhan hand and zhan feel current pass through in his body. Then he hear

'How dare you zhan? Let that bitch touch you. I'll kill you with her. I'm coming ' that yibo disconnect their mind link.

Then zhan signal wan that something going happen and wan inform all. Then all elder come their table and sit and start talking.

After sometime xiao family aslo come and Mr xiao signal cheng xiao to approach sean. Then cheng xiao kneeling holding Sean's hand and said

" Sean I'm newly present omega and I also love you for 1st time when I saw in college, are you please accept me to your mate?"

Before zhan reply a loud glower come from Sean's room, and hear that all guest start disappear. But xiao family don't. And zhan unconsciously smirk but he don't think that cheng xiao try to do something extrem.

When zhan is out of focus cheng xiao come near zhan and try to bite zhan's sent gland but before she do that yibo's lioness form appear their and killed cheng xiao biting her throat.

They all speechless. They don't think that this will happen. They feel relief that no one there othe xiao family.

Then wuxian smirk and said to his son

"Sean go and clam down your mate before he kill other. He is now so furious."

Yao said "Don't you dare to go near yibo zhan. He angry with you. He will harm you."

"No I'll go near him." Sean said

Other side Qing order their guard to take xiao family in basement.

Zhan go near yibo and try to pad yibo's head but yibo glower again with anger and zhan froze there. If zhan want he can move but he want that yibo him self remove his frozen spel.

Then Yao go near yibo and hug and start release his phenomena. Then he said

"Don't misunderstand sean this is our plan to brake your coma status and Capture some old enemy. Please forgive zhan."

After that yibo release him from Yao and go near Sean and start liking sean. After some time zhan free from froze status and hug yibo's lioness tidely and start release his alpha phenomena, and sobbing.

Listen zhan's sobbing yibo try to transform his human from, after long tried yibo come human form. Then Wagnji give yibo a blanket and sean rap him. Then yibo said with pout

"Why you don't tell me that is your plan? What if i harm you?"

"If i told you then you don't try to come out from your status baby,

Ge ge is sorry please forgive your gege." Sean said and kiss yibo's forehead.

Wan tease "ahh now they start their lovey-dovey in front of all family. Go go to your room."

Zhan give wan a angry look and carry yibo then go to his room.

After that all brust in Laughter.

Then cheng said, "xichen and xuyang is in gusu, we have to complete our enemy."

Qing said "you all alphas go to wei kingdom and arrange banquet for marriage yibo and zhan we omegas are handel all this aslo children are here. So you don't have to think any thing. Go."

Listen that wuxian look wangji then wangji said

"You all go after one month we all come their with other.

And here our company's will manage li bo wan and his girlfriend mo xuanu . They is only human in our group so we hand over all things in them they will handel if in future our children interested to come here to they will help our children.

Now after settling this matter we close our portal for life time so no one can pass through with out our permission."

Wuxian node and teleport Wei kingdom with cheng, zixuan, Ning, ji li.

Then li bo wan come with Lan rulan. Yao said

"Take him in basement we are coming with jingi-lu lu, wan-li li and zhan - yibo."


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