The Sanctuary

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 current time!

[June (m/c) calls Negan dad because of how close they are, so her biological dad is "Father" but Negan is "dad"]

June's pov:

I woke up, slowly, when sunlight poured through my window. I reached for my watch I kept on my nightstand and I checked the time.


it was early, I heard nothing but the chirping of birds as I sat up in my bed and stretched, yawned and decided to dress up. 

I rubbed my eyes as I scrummaged through my dresser to find clothes. I groggily put on a white tank top and cargos, putting my knife with my initial engraved on it in a sheath and attaching it to my belt. I put a gun in my holster and tied up the laces to my boots.  

I didn't bother making my bed, wasn't I just going to sleep in it tonight? I looked outside my barred window, saviors were loading stuff up on trucks, guns? 

I wished I could go on the trips with my dad, he never let me, I didn't know why. he would go to communities that he'd "taken over" with huge empty trucks. he'd come back and those trucks were filled to the brim with anything a person in the apocalypse would need.

medicine, food, water, sheets, clothes etc. 


I was meant to go to the woods today with him, to hunt for food. my dad shaped me into the best sharpshooter among the saviors. you give me a sniper rifle and thirty minutes in the forest, I'll come back with a deer, a couple rabbits and dozen squirrels.

half that number of squirrels could get me a handful of trinkets at the market. if your not Negan, me or the saviors, then your just living at the Sanctuary and you have to earn your keep. 

I could get the trinkets for free, being Negan's daughter, but I feel horrible the way they're living, I don't have it in me to take it for free. my dad would take it in a second, I don't agree with him in that way, he doesn't do those things in front of me though. 

I shut the blinds and exited the room, walking down the winding hallways until I got to what I like to call the market. I stepped down the staircase and people smiled, I hate it. 

its all fake. their smiles, they only do it because they know who I am. I smile back, of course, but it doesn't mean its any more real then their smiles. 

most of them are too occupied to notice me, good. people bump into me left and right as I walk past stands of people trading things. jars, food and more. there's less people at the market right now, since its so early. it makes it easier to get to the back exit.

 I push the door open and breathe in the crisp, cool morning air. the door slowly shuts behind me as I make my way down the stairs. 

"Where's Negan?" I ask as I near a group of saviors huddled over a table with a list of things I cant read, its written in an idiots handwriting. 

the saviors aren't the brightest bulbs at the Sanctuary, they rely on brute strength, and my dad. 

a savior points behind me and I whirl around. its my dad, coming down the stairs with his barbed wire bat resting on his shoulder.

"June" he greets me with a smile on my face and a playful elbow to my shoulder. I chuckle and he turns his attention to the saviors. 

"we ready?" he grins widely. 

"ready for what?" I ask, curiously even though he wasn't talking to me.

"we're picking up supplies" he says, folding up the list that was on the table and shoving it into his pocket. I furrow my brows slightly. 

"picking up or taking?" I say in a low tone and he turns to me and laughs, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"picking up" he clarifies.

"its already ready for us" he says as he gives me a look and starts to walk away.

"I know that look" I follow after him.

"your going to a community" I say and he stops in his tracks and nods.

"can I come?" I already know what the answer would be, it would be no. I'd asked a million times, hoping he'd say yes but he always made up half-a** excuses. 

"yes" he said simply as he shrugged. my eyes went wide and my voice went a couple pitches higher.

"really!?" I say as excitement filled my voice.

"your 17 now June, you can do whatever you want" he says as he takes me over to a truck and I haul myself in. 

"but I still cant go over the wall?" I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"oh come on" he says as he buckles himself up and starts the car, its engine purring as we trail after the trucks "I know you go over the fence by yourself no matter what I say".

my heart jumps, he knows?

"what! no I don't" I deny.

"mhmmm" he says, unconvinced. I scoff and pull out my Walkman and put one earbud in.

"so you don't wanna talk to me?" he says jokingly.

"no" I say sarcastically, giggling as I put the other earbud in and play the music I have downloaded. 

I rest my head against the window and stare out at the blurry passing by trees. the music waves through me as I relax. my dad is the one person I can put my guard down around, knowing he'd do anything to protect me. 

the time I knew he would do anything for me is when he got me an entire case of a medicine I needed, God knows how many people he killed for that. I never asked, I didn't know if I wanted an answer. 

I have a condition, of some sort. I really have no idea what it is. I didn't have it pre-apocalypse, and I have no idea what caused it. when I go without the medicine for a certain period of time, I cough up blood, become really sick, faint all the time etc. 

I began to close my eyes and by the time I opened them again the car went into a full stop, I looked up at the huge metal gates surrounding what I think was a community.

"alexan-..." I read aloud, the words being cut off because of the position the car was at.

"Alexandria" my dad said as the metal gates slid open and we followed the trucks inside.


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