Harsh Sun, Hard Chase

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Junes POV: 

the familiar vibration of the motorcycle from beneath me sent shivers down my spine, I missed this. I hadn't been able to go on a ride in a long time. the trees blur into green stripes around me as the road stretches out like a ribbon in front of me. I'm so caught up in the moment I don't hear the rattling of an engine behind me. 

I whirl around and through my helmet I see two cars trailing behind me, far enough away that I cant see whos driving, but close enough I know the dangers of this. the weight of my gun in the holster reassures me, knowing I've killed someone with much, much less then that. 

I hear the car accelerate, I accelerate as well. if only I could just catch a glimpse of who they were...

I slow down, just enough so the sun isn't shining as much on the windshield and I see-


what the f*ck. my dad let them go and now they're chasing after the person who saved them? idiots, straight up idiots. they're catching up. a bead of sweat drips down my forehead, its so damn hot outside. I speed up and paste myself closer to my bike to go faster. my heart thumps in my chest. 

I make a sudden swerve, a turn only a bike could make on such short notice, the car stops immediately, but the second one keeps going. sh*t. I turn around for a second and I see a gun aimed straight for me, are these motherf*ckers trying to kill me?  

a bang sounds through the air, loud enough to attract a couple of walkers and they stumble out of the woods, inching closer to me. I make a dangerous turn to avoid them, making me off balance and as I attempt to make one last turn to get them off my heels a car comes straight from the empty street I was about to turn on. 

I yell a swear as I become off balanced, falling and having to turn instantly as the cars block all my paths. I try to drive away but I look around, I'm outnumbered. I have a gun, but mine's still in my holster and there's one pointed to my head by the one eyed cunt named Carl. 

"pass the gun" Ricks says calmly, my head starts to spin, my stomach hurts from all the turns and the sun isn't making it any better. I take my helmet off, my long hair falling and my eyes squinting from the sun. I take my gun from the holster and as Carl goes to collect it I drop it, not taking my eyes off of his. 

"butterfingers" I shrug, a ghost smile on my face. he flexes his jaw in anger and I put the stand down so my motorcycle doesn't fall over and I lean back on it a smirk appearing on my face as Carl goes to pick it up. 

I wipe the sweat off my brow, trying not to seem stressed and in pain but my head was throbbing and I cough into my elbow, thankfully no blood comes out or else they'd know. 

"are we just going to stand around like idiots or are you guys actually going to do something?" I ask, annoyed. I had recognized all of them and put the name to the face. Rosita neared me as she grabbed some rope from the truck.

"your kidding me" I say, unamused. 

"don't make this anymore difficult then it should be" Rick warned and I give him a dirty look.

"next time, you lot wont be so lucky when it comes to the bat" I mutter "doing all this after I saved you is straight disrespect".

"we're thankful for you stopping us from dying but your dad took Eugene" Rosita says, tying the ropes tighter as she says his name, obviously that dork is important to her.

"the f*ck that gotta do with me?" I blurted out, confused until it hit me.

"oh, blackmail material" I nod in understanding. 

"get her in the car" Rick points to the car he came out of.

"wait, no, what about my bike" I stop Rosita from bringing me to the car. 

"Daryl's riding it, he has one of his own" he replies.

"no way in hell I'm letting that thing  ride my  bike" I shake my head.

"well your obviously not riding it" Rick added, my face twitches in anger and before Rosita brings me to the car I call out to Daryl.

"if you scratch my bike, your dead" Rosita slams the door shut after me and I can finally let my guard down a bit. I shut my eyes and lean back against my seat, putting my tied hands on my lap, trying to ignore the pain in my head as I cough again. not a moment later, Carl, Rick and Michonne enter the car, shutting the doors behind them. 

"can you crack open a window in here, its stuffy" I say, putting my poker face on. 

"quiet" Rick shushes. 

"excuse me?" I say, sitting up in my seat.

"open the window before I smash my head repeatedly against the car door and my dad burns Alexandria to the ground" I threaten, sounding annoying on purpose, not giving up. Rick mutters something under his breath and opens up his window, the air flowing towards my seat. I catch a glimpse of Daryl riding my bike and I chuckle softly to myself.

"what?" Michonne turns around to look at me.

"its obvious he doesn't ride a sports bike, he looks like the type to ride a cruiser... maybe a chopper" I study the way he's riding the bike and chuckle again. 

"how much longer till Alexandria?" I sighed.

"an hour, maybe?" Rick replies and I groan.

"couldn't you guys have kidnapped me a bit further along the road so I wouldn't have to sit next to this kid" I motion over to Carl and he scowls at me and I scoff. nobody says a word, the car has a layer of awkwardness to it. 

"well you guys aren't very fun to be around, are you" I mutter, leaning my head against the window and focusing on the road. I wont make it the hour to Alexandria without passing out, I can feel it. my head starts feeling heavy and my breathing becomes shallow. 

they'd need me soon, I knew it. I was in too much pain to fight back so I'd have to reply on smarts rather then strength. my eyes shut and they don't open, the sounds of the tires against the concrete like a melody drifting me off to sleep. 

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