Intruders Among Saviors

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Carl's pov:

Daryl opens the door with a slight creak and everyone walks in stealthily, our footsteps just slight noises that get carried away in the draft. it was deathly quiet in the Sanctuary, I give an uneasy look to my dad and he looks at me back, his eyes full of reassurance. 

the only sound I heard was our slight footsteps and my heartbeat. 

"the Sanctuary is huge" Rosita whispers so quietly you might think you didn't hear anything at all "this might take longer then we thought".

the lights above us flicker, we all look up at the light and by the time we look down, a shadow. 

a shadow has flashed by my eyes, ran into the other room. everyone looks around at each other, confused, there was a trace of footprints on the thick layer of dust on the floor, leading to the room. 

"what the hell was that" Abraham whispered. I gulped and carried on, holding my gun tighter and higher, my face and eyes showing no level of my fear. 

we keep on going until we reach a room with a open door and a light coming from inside it, Daryl puts his back against the wall, peering into the room. he turns his head back to Rick, signaling there's no one in there before he sneaks in, followed by us.

its a room with two couches across from each other with a coffee table in the middle. on the coffee table, sat a mug with a dark liquid inside. 

everyone checked the room, up the unlit fireplace, behind the velvet red curtains, under the tables, everywhere. Daryl whistled quietly to us, and pointing to the mug on the coffee table. he touched it slightly.

"its hot" he says, confused. Rick walks over and touches the mug, nodding.

"it looks as if no one was here, I mean the Sanctuary is completely abandoned" I say, confused.

"a trick?" asks Glenn.

"I don't know, if we do this quick, we may not have to find out" my dad says as they begin to leave the room. 

we walk down the winding and dimly lit hallway until Michonne hears something.

"shh!" she presses a finger to her lips and points to her ear, signaling for us to listen before she points to the ceiling.

thudding noises, almost like footsteps. barely audible, like someone didn't want you hearing them. my dad gestures for us to move towards the opened door that lead us to the staircase. the draft flowing through the third floor made goosebumps pop up on my arms. 

no one was on the third floor, even for many sleeping saviors, it was especially quiet.


a voice, multiple voices, coming from a room with a door opened slightly ajar. the light seeping through the crack made it seem like there was someone there. I made my footsteps lighter and my breathing inaudible as we neared the room.

"Where's Negan?" a voice asked, savior probably.

"he's with the tech guy, what's his face..." 

"Samuel?" the savior asked and Eugene's eyes lit up in recognition.

"yeah, yeah that one. they're figuring out how to make the contraption work"


"yeah the uhm, black machine looking thing with wires or whatever"

the circuit board..

"I need you to go deliver this to him" the savior says as I hear paper rustling, like a note he pulled out of his pocket.

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