The Value Of A Life

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Junes POV: 

Carl tries to leave quickly before I'm about to say some smart-a*s response but gets pushed back in after Rick busts in with the other people whos names I'm too tired to remember. I'm still on the floor, I'd be up and pacing, trying to escape and more if I wasn't so damn weak. I wipe the sweat off my brow and clear my throat, praying I don't look deathly sick. 

"You look like you're carrying the world on your shoulders. Is the weight of leadership heavier in these trying times?" My question was a barbed hook, disguised in sympathy. I watched him closely, noting the flicker of fatigue in his eyes before he masked it with that leader's resolve I'd come to expect.

He hesitated, then took a step closer, his gaze probing. "June, we're not enemies," he started, the lie hanging between us, a thin veil over his true intentions.

I feigned a sigh, shifting to sit up straighter, engaging him with a look of genuine interest that was, in reality, anything but. "Rick, in this world, we're all just trying to survive, aren't we? And sometimes, survival means making... difficult choices." I paused, letting the words hang in the air, a subtle reminder of the power I held in this negotiation, even from behind bars.

I could feel Carl's stare burning holes into me as he furrowed his brows, I payed no attention to him. although the gray haired lady, what was her name...


she was eyeing me like a hawk, like she was figuring out every single move I was making, or, trying to make. she crossed her arms, taking a defensive stance while I straighten my back and move the hair out of my face which makes me seem more open, more innocent, more trustworthy. 

"your father still has Eugene" Rick tilts his head up as soon as I straighten up, he does the same. 

"I'm aware" I nod, pasting a pleasant look on my face and shoving all the pain and fatigue down low. thankfully, the lights were dim down here, they couldn't make out my entire face which makes it easier to disguise myself feeling faint.

I need to get out, if I don't get my medicine soon...

"your a smart girl June, we aren't going to sugarcoat it for you" Rick's tone became sharp suddenly, just when I thought I'd softened him up. 

"thank you for the compliment" I smile "but yes, I do see what your pointing out" I hint.

"good" he says flatly. 

"Rick, you and I, we can help each other," I offered, leaning forward as if to share a secret "tell me, what does Alexandria need most? medicine, food, ammunition?" My questions were targeted, each one designed to peel back the layers of their desperation, to reveal the core of their struggle. as if I hadn't already figured it out. 

"we need Eugene" Rick narrows his eyes, unyielding. alright, he's making this harder then it has to be. 

"right..." I sigh.

"well" I raise my hands and clap once "let me know when you'd like me to step out for the trade" I say simply. Rick is taken aback at my honesty, he stutters before nodding his head and agreeing. 

"although... Rick, be smart about this" I warn him, looking him up and down.

"what?" he asks.

"just ask for Eugene, don't bite off more then you can chew. alright?" I question sweetly. Rick looks behind him to Michonne, she gets up off the wall and nears the bars.

"what are you talking about?" she tilts her head to the right, staring me down. I stare right back. 

"all of you know exactly what I'm talking about" I say, my gaze merciless. 

"how did you know we've run out of medicine" Michonne grips the bars tighter.

"I didn't, but, thanks for the answer to my multiple questions" I smile widely and Michonne's face drops. I did know, but would it be better for me to pretend I didn't or for them to over estimate me? 

"save yourself some time and don't come back unless you have food or my dad is damn near ready to break your metal walls down, because I wont be talking" I exhale, leaning my back against the wall once more. Michonne's jaw clenches but Rick taps her shoulder and she looks back at him and sees him leaving. 

she looks over at Carl, then at me, and for a split second I see her eyes soften. like she remembered that me and Carl are the same age. like she remembered I'm not my dad. she saw me as nothing more then a kid, her gaze caught me by surprise. I thought I've erased every doubt of me not being anything less then capable from everyone's brains. looks like I've got some work to do in Alexandria. 

Carl and Michonne leave after the rest of them but right before Carol is about to leave, she hesitates and looks back at me. I turn to face her.

"your smart, very smart" she narrows her eyes, crossing her arms. 

"you people are very kind" I touch a hand to my heart.

"you have a choice to make a real difference June, your choosing to abuse your power, not use it" she says, what the hell is she talking about. for the first time, I cant see her intentions through her eyes. 

"you know your smart, but be smarter" she leaves the room and her words lay heavy in the air, floating around my brain and replaying in my head. 

be smarter? 

I'll show these f*ckers just how smart I could be 

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