Twists Of Trust

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Carl's POV: 

Negan finished his speech off with jokes that probably would've been funny if he wasn't taking away half of our food wages when we were already down. Negan shook my dads hand and walked out, leaving the saviors to lead us back to the cars we had came in. we hadn't gotten our weapons back, but I did have to thank his daughter for saving our lives. 

she was the meanest girl I had ever met, on second thought I hadn't met many girls, only grown women. her coughing stunt might've been to get the hell out of there because she was bored, but I didn't think so. 

"Ya'll saw that too, huh?" Abraham asked as he shut the trunk of the car, we hadn't left any weapons in there, we'd be chasing her unarmed. 

"she was probably faking it" I mutter.

"No... no I doubt it" Rosita says, her eyes glued to the floor in a thinking manner. 

"there's no weapons in any of these trunks" Daryl slams the last trunk shut and walks over to us.

"how the hell are we gonna chase her without any weapons" Carol furrows her brows. 

"we wont need em" Daryl claimed.

"your too confident for your own good, we all saw what she did" Carol gathers the attention of everyone. 

"being underestimated is her biggest weapon, as is mine" she says. she's right, his daughter was skilled.

"she may be skilled, not enough to take us all on a hand to hand fight" Abraham argued.

"fight? Abraham, no ones fighting a 17 year old girl" my dad speaks up.

"we're just trying to... capture her" he continues slowly.

"we're gonna have to fight her if the situation calls for my fists" Abraham scoffs.

"the situation wont call for it" Carol assures.

"she had homefield advantage and the advantage of being hidden" Glenn said

"it wont happen again where we get beat because we're out in the open, no more shadows to play tricks on us" he tells us.

Rosita grabs a map and spreads it out on the trunk of the car. we all gather around it.

"if she's going on a ride, then she'd be taking this route" she points to a trail that lead off to another winding road through the woods before spanning out into the open land. we decide who's going in what vehicle and we get onto the road. its about noon now, the sun is high in the sky and beating down on the roofs of the cars. 

"keep your eyes peeled, tell us over the radio if you catch a glimpse of her, no honking. we don't want to let her know we're coming" my dad spoke into the radio as he continued to drive, the backseat has freed up from Eugene being gone and Negan's daughter was our only hope to get him back. 

after a nod from each driver of each group, my dad accelerated, taking the lead. the pressure peeling me to the back of the seat as I gripped the seat. 

"Carl" my dad calls my name.

"yeah?" I heave myself up from the back of the seat and sit up. 

"there's a gun glued to the bottom of your seat, grab it" he says. a gun? I reach under my seat and there it is. my fingers trail over the tape before peeling it off and holding it in my hand. 

"if it comes to it," he starts. 

"aim for the tires"

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