Its Always Bark Then You Deal With Bite

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Carl's POV: 

I'm back at my house, in the bathroom, cleaning the wounds June gave me. I have to admit, she may be a whole lot of bark but she's ten times more bite. Daryl's watching over her, she isn't to be trusted alone. 

I do feel a little bit... bad for shooting Negan. I wouldn't, but June has the special power to make someone feel the exact way she wants them to feel. obviously I didn't shoot him on purpose, if I did, he'd be dead. although, June calling me a... what was it.

"a blind f*cker" was it? I'm not too sure, but it sure as hell hurt.

God, that girl will be the death of me.

I wince as put the last band aid on and I stare at myself in the mirror. I slightly lift up my shirt, revealing a slowly appearing bruise where June kicked me. everywhere I go, there's always a piece of her. and the piercing pain in my side whenever I breathe is enough to make me never forget her. 

I hear a knock on the door.

"yeah?" I ask, keeping my eyes pasted onto my reflection in the mirror. my dad walks in. 

"you okay son?" he asks me, stepping into the bathroom and standing behind me. 

"show me" he says and I turn to face him. he grabs my face, gently but firmly, and examines it. 

"that girl has one hell of a punch" he says and I roll my eyes. I put my-- or, technically, my dads hat back on and I see him staring at me in the mirror. I turn around and look at him. 

"what's wrong?" I ask him. I used to have to crane my neck to look up at him but I no longer have to, maybe a slight tilt of my head but I've grown. he sees it too, I see it in his eyes that he's thinking deeply. 

"your not a boy anymore" he recognizes, sort of breathlessly. 

"what?" I furrow my brows. 

"you remind me of myself when I was younger, with that hat too" he smiles softly. I blink a couple times. I'm not used to my dad being this raw and full of emotion. before either me or him can think too much into it he pats me on the back, making me slightly stumble forward. 

"I'm meeting with Negan and June, checking to see if he's still alive, and if he is, to see if he's agreed on my terms" my dad clears his throat "you coming?" he asks. 

I would rather die then let June see me with my face beat up but she's vulnerable right now, and she couldn't possibly attack me in front of Negan. 

"yeah, yeah I'll come" I nod in reply and my dad gives me a nod back. he goes to step out of the bathroom before pausing. 



"did you shoot Negan on purpose?" he asks me, I freeze. I obviously didn't, I was trying to shoot a walker that had been coming toward June but I--

"no" I reply to him. he doesn't say anything and just looks me in the eyes. he looks at me for what feels like a decade before looking away. 

"alright" he says simply. I love my dad so much but God this man doesn't know how to have a single normal conversation. to be truthful, I don't remember much about me shooting him. it was an accident, obviously, but if somehow it wasn't... then what does that make me? 

am I a bad person, for shooting someone's father? 

or am I a good person, for avenging all the people whos lives Negan ruined? 

no matter how much I try to forget it, I will never forget June's scream. she's not the type to have a weakness, no matter how much you poke and prod around in her life you won't find any time where she hasn't been strong. I mean, I haven't known her for quite a long time but she's the kind of girl who leaves a lasting impression, which you'll never forget. 

why am I thinking about her? 

out of all people I could be thinking about I'm thinking about Negan's stupid daughter? although, stupid isn't the right word for someone like June.

God damnit can she get out of my head?

I cup my hands and let the cold water run over them before washing my face. I look at myself in the mirror as I wipe the water away. I take a deep breath and exit the bathroom, making my way down the stairs and out the door. 

I walk to Denise's place and I walk in on a conversation, awkwardly shutting the door before sitting down next to my dad. 

"what's everyone waiting for?" I ask him quietly and he looks at me before clenching his jaw and standing up. 

"we've given them enough time" he says, heading over to the door and he opens it, revealing what seems to be us walking in on a tense conversation. Negan was sat up on the bed and June had her hands thrown up in the air. she looked really worked up but also much more... 


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