Unseen Agenda

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June's pov:

the sun started to rise and I haven't slept all night, I was tired as hell. my dad called me to be there while he talks to Rick's group. I didn't understand why. as I made my way down the corridors of the Sanctuary, I saw my dad. I caught up to him and not much to my surprise, he was grinning. 

"It's a new day today June" he said cheerily.

"mhm..." I rolled my eyes.

"Be more positive" he elbowed me jokingly.

"I'm going out for a ride later, just letting you know" I say as we near the room.

"Alright, stay safe" he opens the door before stepping into the room himself.

"Rick" he greets Rick as the rest of his group stand up and gather around. My dad rests Lucille on his shoulder and I lean my back against the wall, tired. Ricks son, what's his name. Carl? yeah, Carl, he keeps looking over at me. as if he's scanning me, he couldn't figure me out even if he tried.

"So, what of the offer?" my dad says, smirk on his face. to my surprise, Rick put on a look of faux thoughtfulness on his face. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at him, he looked at me back, exchanging a surprised glace. like he was confused how I was figuring him out. 

"We've thought about it, it's better for the group" he said hesitantly, makin my dad very pleased. 

"I'm glad you came to your senses Rick, I knew you were a good guy"  my dad nears Rick and pats him on the back, hard, making him have to regain his composure. there was something odd about all of this, something like I wasn't so sure they we're truly agreeing. 

their lips spoke lies while their eyes told the truth and--

damn it, I cant f*cking focus on Rick and his group with this damn kid staring at me.

"yo you got a problem?" I turn to face Carl. 

"no, do you?" he snaps back, excuse f*cking me.

"quit staring or I'll carve out your other eye" I sneer, pointing to the eye that isn't patched up. his expression changes, his face twitches with anger. he would have to seethe in silence because I couldn't care less. 

the silence is too loud.

the tensity in the air is choking the air out of my lungs.

my head hurts, I can barely breathe.

did I take my medicine? 


I cough into my elbow, everyone stares me down for a couple of seconds before their eyes flicker back over to Negan. 

I cough again, this time it hurts. it hurts my chest and it hurts my throat. I start to cough so violently that I cant breathe.

"June?" my dad asks, my hand slams on the wall for support as I quickly pull a napkin out of my pocket, coughing into it. 

"June!" my dad hisses, his hand going onto my back in reassurance. I feel their eyes watching me in... concern? I lift the napkin off my mouth and I stare back at the dark liquid I've just spat out. 


I see my dads face turn a pale shade his eyes travel up from the napkin, to my mouth where I wipe off a drop of blood, to my eyes as we share a look of concern.

"go" he whispers in my ear.

"I'm going on a ride" I cough out and I stumble out of the room, slamming the door shut behind me. I have to lean against the wall for a couple moments, gulping breaths of air before I stabilize myself on my feet. I needed fresh air. not only to breathe it in, but to feel it whipping through my hair. I'm going on a ride. 

I make it back to my room with no awkward stares or conversations and I put my jacket on, coughing multiple more times before I put my helmet on. I step down multiple flights of stairs until I make it to the garage and there it is, my motorcycle. it was a sports bike, my dad had brought it in for my 15th birthday and I've been riding for the past 2 years. I got the hang of it in the first couple months of having it. I've always been a fast learner. I straddled my motorcycle, my fingers deftly finding the ignition. With a twist of the key, the engine roared to life, the familiar hum echoing through the silent air like music to my ears. 

The road stretched ahead, and as I accelerated, the wind whispered freedom.

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