The Cost Of Survival

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June's POV: 

"they've got us dad" I groan, putting my head in my hands and leaning against the wall across from him. he's sat up on the bed, grinding his molars in thought. 

"we've gotten out of worse situations before" he looked at me. 

"your shot" I move towards him "and your telling me there's been worse?" it sounds as though I'm trying to lecture him, he knows I mean the best but I also recognize that I'm the only person who can talk to him like that. 

"I had them where I wanted them, I figured out what they were lacking, I acted dumb, and everything was so perfect. I followed your instructions to the bone and that stupid cyclops f*cked it all up" I sound annoyingly desperate. 

"language, and don't call him that" he turns the lecturing on me "you know I'd kill him in a heartbeat for you but he's a good kid" 

what the f*ck? 

"he shot you and he's a good kid?" I'm shocked "he's a dick" I say flatly.

"and so is every other man you've ever met" my dad scoffs. 

"he's hardly a man, he looks like a pre-pubescent teen" I roll my eyes but my dad just chuckled. I look at him with a light in my eyes. my dad is one of the only people who can make me laugh, and I mean really laugh.

 the transition from the pure terror I felt when I saw the blood staining his shirt and to now, when I'm joking around with him is drastic. I genuinely don't know what I would do without him. without my father, I could manage, I have managed. but without Negan? my dad? 



"your lying" he smiles. 

"what?" I furrow my brows. 

"its funny in this moment but you have to work on it, don't look up and to the left if your going to lie" he says seriously.

"I'm not lying" I muttered.

"right" his smile never faded. 

"why are you even talking about him he's irrelevant" I continued, hoping he changes the subject.

"he might be irrelevant to me, but he certainly isn't for you" he teases me and I make a face. I sniffle and clear my throat.

"you okay?" he asks, examining my face "when's the last time you took your medicine?"

"like..." I think to myself. 

"before or after we trapped Rick and his minions at the Sanctuary?" he seems like he already knows. 

"before" I murmur, avoiding eye contact. 

"Christ, June... your gonna faint" he rubs his forehead. 

"I'll be fine" I wave a hand in dismissal and he makes a "tsk" sound. 

"not after the deal you made" he narrows his eyes, like he's judging me.

"are you kidding me?" I put a hand on my hip "you were bleeding out of course I was going to agree to their stupid little negotiation".

"when they said all medicine, they meant all " he repeats like I didn't already know. 

"we'll find more" I shrug it off.

"your so stubborn sometimes" Negan groans in annoyance. 

"look who's talking" I smirk. 

"you shouldn't have agreed to that deal because n--" 

"can we talk about how we're going to get out of this messed up situation" I cut him off and pull the focus back to the real problem and he sighs, lying back down and I move closer to him, demanding answers. 

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