Bound for Alexandria

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Carl's POV: 

we neared the gates of our community and I looked over at June, her head was still against the window, hair covering her face. her body was limp and she looked asleep, there's no way she could be asleep. 

the gates clattered open for us and we drove in, parking the cars near the entrance and June was unfazed, she didn't move an inch. 

"dad" I called for him and he turned around and I pointed to June, he looked over and looked back at me. 

"wake her up" he shrugs.

"she's not asleep, she wouldn't do that" I tell him, he knows I'm right. Carol walks over and sees June's head against the window and furrows her brows, looking over to Rick.

"you think she fainted?" Carol asks.

"from what" Michonne gets out of the car and opens the door on my side motioning for me to get out. I comply and step out, watching from a distance. 

"June" Michonne calls her name, nothing.

"June!" she says louder and June twitches, moving her hair from her face and looking back at Michonne, looking alarmingly pale.

"are you... are you okay?" Michonne asks carefully, giving my dad a worried look. 

"what? someone can't fall asleep anymore?" she laughs weakly, she wasn't sleeping, everyone knows that.

"you gonna untie me or open the car door for me?" she asks.

"open the door for you" my dad replies as he opens the door and grabs her arm, heaving her out and noticing how she's unsteady on her feet. she holds her head high and shoulders back, even though she's in ropes she looks like she could run the place, its admirable. 

he leads her over to the prison we built, with everyone following him as he carefully takes her down the stairs and gently pushes her in before locking it. she leans herself against the wall, looking more composed then before. also looking weirdly calm for someone who just got kidnapped. 

"Ya'll got food here or what?" she asks, moving her hands around in the ropes and I could see her wrists getting red from the friction, it must hurt but she's not saying anything about it. 

"we can get you some food" my dad says as he looks over at me, expecting me to go grab it.

"do I have to?" I ask quietly, annoyed. 

"Carl..." he says in a warning tone which makes me roll my eyes and exit the room, going up the stairs and to the main dining hall where we all eat. picking up some bread and adding some cheese inside it, I make what sort of resembles a sandwich. I also grab a small paper cup full of water and make my way back, seemingly interrupting a conversation

"and your going to--" I walk in, stopping my dad in the middle of his sentence. June eyed me down walking closer as I walk closer.

"boo!" she shouts, shaking the bars of the cell, scaring me as I flinch and move back, spilling some of the water on the floor. she laughs and I regain my composure, I grip the paper plate tighter in anger. 

"June.." my dad says as if he's uninterested. I shove the paper plate through the slit in the bars and hand her the water. she grabs it and goes to sit down on the floor, leaning her back against the wall. 

"your going to tell us more information about Negan and--" 

"no I'm not" June says, mid chew as she interrupts my dad.

"what?" he asks, confused.

"I don't have to tell you people anything" she shrugs.

"besides" she takes a sip of the water "there's nothing that you don't know anyways" she continues. 

"there's got to be something of valuable information" Michonne speaks up, moving closer to the bars.

"you people are giving me a headache" she groans and rips a piece off the sandwich, throwing it through the bars and it lands at our feet. 

"there's nothing, don't make me repeat myself" she mutters as she bites off another piece and chews it. 

"we aren't letting you go unless you tell us something" my dad says, narrowing his eyes as he stares at her. June seems un-interested, like her sandwich is better then our threats.

"I'll wait" she says, mouth full of food.

"for what?" I ask carefully. finally, she looks up.

"until my dad burns this place to the ground" 

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