The Plan

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Carl's pov:

I ran as fast as I possibly could to my dad, she'd gotten away. I don't even know who "she" is, but she has some damn good fighting skills.

is she a savior? I have no clue. 

I get there just as the gates close which signals that Negan has left, with half of our stuff...

I go to the house and I see Daryl on the porch, putting the squirrels he caught on the table. I run past him and see Michonne talking to my dad at the kitchen counter. 

"Dad!" I say, walking up to him.

"Carl?" he turns around to face me as Michonne gives me a weird look because she sees me panting, out of breath.

"there was someone in the armory, she didn't take anything" at least I think she didn't.

"who?" Michonne spoke up.

"I couldn't see her face, she's one hell of a fighter though"

"you didn't see her face?" my dad questioned and I shook my head, he sighed. 

"you think she's a savior?" Michonne asks with a low tone.

"she's too young, wasn't taller then me" I reply.

"did you say you fought her?" my dad asked, stepping closer to me and looking at the cut on my lip from when she punched me. I didn't even notice I was bleeding and my dad looked at me with worried eyes. I nodded in reply to his question. 

he opens his mouth like he was about to say something but then Eugene busts through the door. 

"they took the circuit board!" Eugene yells as he busts through the door. Daryl follows him in, seeing something is wrong. 

"the what?" Michonne asks.

"the circuit board..." my dad repeats, his face twisting into one of anger. 

"the community off to the west we've been trying to contact" my dad explains to Michonne, putting his head in his hands and sighing.

"we can't reach them without a high voltage powered radio, which needed the circuit board we went out for a week ago" my dad says.

"how do you know they took it?" Michonne asks.

"I keep it in my workspace, when the saviors were raiding the houses they must've taken it" I grind my molars together in anger, what use would they have with the board?

"we have to get that board back, that community could be the very last one that can help us take down Negan" Michonne says with determination.

"its too dangerous to plan an attack" my dad responds.

"attack?" I ask, they all stare at me.

"who says it has to be an attack?" I add.

"what do you mean?" Eugene furrows his brows and Daryl crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"if we sneak in at the dead of night, no saviors are gonna be awake. a quick in and out mission, no distractions" every idea I've ever had they've shut down, they think I'm "too young" to make there big decisions. 

"that's a pretty good idea" my dad narrows his eyes.

"really?" I ask, is he kidding?

"really" he confirms.

"if we make a group who's on board with the plan and skilled enough to pull it off, I think we can get that circuit board tonight at the earliest" my dad says as he looks around for everyone's approval. 

"I'll go ask Carol" Daryl grunts as he leaves the room and I hear the front door open and close. 

"Eugene, can you ask Aaron to draw us a map of the floors of the Sanctuary?" my dad asks.

"copy that" Eugene walks out, on his way.

"Michonne can you go see if the others are on board with the plan?" he says, she nods and walks out after Eugene.

my dad puts a hand on my shoulder "thanks Carl" he says and starts to leave. 

"wait!" I call after him, am I asking too much?

"what is it?" he asks.

I need to figure out who she is, this would be the only way to.

"can I come along?" I ask him, prepared for a "no".

"I don't know Carl..." damn it.

"dad I'm not little anymore, plus I need to know who the hell that was" I move closer to him.

he furrows his brows.

narrows his eyes.

tilts his head.

he's thinking.

he sighs.

"alright" he says reluctantly, I beam.

"really?" I ask him and he nods.

"I don't want you in the action, if you have  to make a decision based off of fight or flight, I want you to choose flight" he says sternly.

"do I make myself clear?" I nod, a small smile on my face, which makes him smile. he leans in and hugs me, patting me on the back roughly before leaving. 

She's not getting away next time, not if I'm there. 

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