Walker Diversion

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Carl's pov:

I met the group out by the gates, its 9:46, which gives us enough time to get to the Sanctuary by midnight and get out before sunrise. 

on this mission, it was just going to me me, my dad, Carol, Michonne, Glenn, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, and Daryl.

Maggie shook her head as Glenn left and got into one of the cars, she approached me.

"Carl" she waved me over.

"can you tell your dad that I'm pissed off at him for not letting me go?" she said with a angry expression on her face.

"Maggie your 6 months pregnant, no sane person would allow you to go" I reply with a chuckle. she shook her head and patted me on the back.

"stay safe Carl" she said. I nodded and went to the car. I got into the backseat of the car my dad was driving, Michonne in the passenger seat and Eugene and Daryl next to me, squishing me until I was pasted to the inside of the car door. 

I sigh and stare out the window, thinking. 

"do yall think we're gonna be able to get that circuit board back without a scratch on said circuit board?" Eugene asks.

"Aaron said that its either on the second or third floor, which is perfect so we don't have to go through the first one where all the people are. as long as we don't wake anyone up, "said circuit board" should be fine" my dad answers. 

"I just want to make sure you all realize if this circuit board scratches its resistor, we might now be able to get it working again" Eugene says as he taps my dad on the shoulder.

"alright thanks Eugene" he grumbles.

we drive in silence for the next hour and a half and I'm bored out my mind until the car comes to a squealing stop. the bright headlights revealed dozens of decaying faces with their dead eyes staring right back. they all turned at the same time to the source of noise. I looked back at the other cars with everyone else and they all squealed to a stop. 

"what the hell..." I mutter.

"I went through here yesterday there wasn't no damn horde" Daryl protested as my dad drove backwards and the others behind him did the same.

the walkers followed us at their slow pace, soon, they disappeared into the dead of the night, the headlights illuminating them no more. 

"what do we do?" Michonne muttered as she picked up the walkie talkie and radioed the other cars.

"guys" she called out to them through the radio.

"that's one hell of a problem" Aaron's voice sounded through the walkie.

"how did those a*s faces get there?" Abraham snarled.

"Rick what do we do?" Rosita asked. my dad muttered something under his breath, thinking of the best possible approach.

"I think we gotta bust through em' Rick" Abraham says as my dad swears under his breath.

"alright, yeah" he groaned. 

"here goes nothing" he says as he shifts gears "hang on" he warns as he pressed the accelerator and the car speeds towards the walkers.

their ghastly faces become seen once again in the headlights and I clutch onto the drivers seat, my fingers digging into the fabric. 

the walkers loud groans are barely heard from the engine and the bashing of their soft skulls against the cars metal. dark blood splatters the crystal clear windows as Eugene whimpers in fear. 

the crunching of bones sound under the tires and I crinkle my nose, my dad turns the window wipers on and the blood doesn't come off, it just spreads. 

we break through the horde, leaving the car scratched and bloodied. we don't slow down until we're at least a mile away. 

by the time we get a couple miles away I settle down, until the slows down again.

your kidding me. 


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