Pressure Is On

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Carls POV: 

We recollected ourselves back at my house. huddled around the table was my dad, Michonne, Maggie, Carol, Denise and Glenn. 

"the run?" my dad asks Glenn hopefully, he shakes his head.

"no luck, every place we've went to has been bare" he replied, looking down. 

"how are the people doing?" Michonne asks Denise, she's our doctor. 

"not good..." 

there's been a virus going around, leaving people sick, as well as a breach in the walls from an attack so many of our people are injured. 

"we need medicine, fast, if we want a chance at saving anybody that I'm helping" Denise says, a serious look in her eyes as she passes a clipboard to my dad. its a list of all the medicine we have left over. worry flashes in Ricks eyes as he scans the list. 

"anything from hilltop?" he looks at Maggie, she shakes her head.

"the saviors took more then we anticipated" she answered, this wasn't good at all.

"so your saying the saviors have everything" Michonne emphasized. my dad groaned as he threw the clipboard back onto the table.

"the saviors may have "everything" but we have Negan's everything" Michonne remarks, she's talking about June.

"we don't even know if he cares about her that much" my dad shuts down her idea.

"did you even hear how he was talking about her? raising her on such a high pedestal" Michonne shakes her head. 

"Negan cares only for Lucille" Glenn scoffs, he's right... but he could be wrong. 

"if he cares about her so much then why isn't he here with the saviors bulldozing down the walls of Alexandria?" I raise a brow, everyone looks at me. 

"Negan may love her but he's not an idiot, he would wait. he's sadistic, so I wouldn't put it past him that the fact he's waiting, is because he's planning ways to make us suffer" Maggie mentioned. 

"we have his daughter, we are the ones with leverage here" Michonne braces both hands on the table. 

"remember what we took her for, to trade with Eugene" my dad points out "he loves June so much that trading away Eugene would be like nothing, but Eugene and his medicine is a different story..." 

"what are you saying Rick?" Maggie crosses her arms. 

"I'm saying we are critically low on medicine which we need desperately so if he loves his daughter so much he'd be willing to make the trade" Rick finishes. we all think for a moment, silence fills the room.

"Ricks right" Michonne speaks up, standing up straighter and she looks around at everyone, they nod. 

"Carl, go check on June" my dad says, looking at me briefly and he returns is attention to the table.


"go" he shuts down my protest, pointing at the door. I clench my jaw and walk out, I hear them continue talking about plans. first time I go on a full mission it goes wayward, do they blame me? no, they couldn't possibly, I didn't do anything wrong. 

I get to the door of our prison and I open it up, shutting the door behind me as I look at her through the bars. I whistle sharply to get her attention but she doesn't lift her head up. I approach cautiously. she's leaned against the wall, knees to her chest and head resting in her hands. 

"June?" I call out, and I hear her sigh, so she is awake then. 

"I was hoping for someone better" she says, not lifting her head up. 

"better?" I ask, she nods.

"well I'm all you've got, and I'm not here to stay" I make it clear. 

"thank God"  she says in a joking tone, how can someone get on my nerves this damn much. I scoff. 

"got any more food?" she slightly lifts her head up, I make eye contact with her. her eyes are bloodshot. I furrow my brows, she doesn't look well. I shake my head to answer her question, finding that words just don't come out of my mouth. 

"you can leave then" she uttered.

"who are you to dismiss me?" I take a step closer to her. God, she makes me want to punch a wall. 

"well its not like I can leave" she says in a tone that makes me pissed to my core. 

"your a--" 

"a b*tch?" she raises her brow, asking me.

"not where I was going, but sure, that works" my lips tug upwards. 

"hm, real funny" she puts her head back down, ignoring me. 

"you cant just--" 

"why are you here?" she cuts me off again "like genuinely. being here benefits you in no way whatsoever and your giving me a damn headache" she complains. 

"I was just here to check up on you" I explain, it sounded stupid now that I said it aloud. 

"thanks, Carl"  again, again she says my name in that way. in a way that just rolls off her tongue effortlessly, like she's said this name a million times before. she said thanks in a sarcastic way and that was my cue to leave, but my feet aren't going anywhere. it felt like my shoes were glued to the floor and my eyes were forced onto her body on the floor. 

its like she felt my presence still there so she lifts her head up and opens her mouth to say something that probably would've been a smart-a*s response if the door didn't swing open and I saw my dad and the rest of the people who were at the table. 

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