He Is Cute

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Ron and Hermione have been boxing in the gym for hours.
Hermione, take a break, will ya?? Ron said breathing heavily.
Sure, she said and they sat in the ring.
Bro, you know, your punches are no joke, Ron said to Hermione.
Btw what do you think about Harry, Ron asked.
What is there to think about?? Hermione asked.
So you gonna leave that stupid thing of loving him, Ron asked.
If I decide to want something, I'll get that no matter how, Hermione said.
What about Mr. Voldemort??? Hermione asked.
Draco is dealing with that. He has his sources, Ron replied.
We can't slack off on this matter, Hermione said.
Don't worry about that, Ron said.
Ma'am, here are the details you wanted, one of her men said handing her a packet.
Details, what details?? Ron asked.
"It's about that something, I wanted", Hermione said taking the packet.
Harry?? Ron asked.
To get what you want, You have to know everything about it, Hermione said.
Let's practice again, Hermione said.
What?? No way, I'm exhausted, Ron said.
Let's practice shooting then, Hermione said.
That's better, Ron said and they left.

" Two beers", the man in the bar ordered.
Ok, sir, Harry replied.
"Hurry" one of them shouted between their conversation.
"Here," Harry said.
"Open it", the man ordered.
Yeah, Harry nodded.
Hey, who are you? You aren't the one who usually serves us, A fully drunken man of the group asked sitting on the couch.
Uhm, Sir, he is on leave so I'm filling in, Harry replied with a smile.
"Listen", He grabbed Harry's neck to say something in his ear. "I don't give a fu#k about it, you better be a good one cuz the guest we are having is really important. If you mess anything up, I'll kill you, is that clear", the man said.
don't worry, sir, I won't make any mistakes, Harry said and he released his neck.
Hey, the man shouted and Harry ran to him.
Yes sir, Harry asked.
We are getting so bored, why don't you entertain us, The man said.
En-entertain?? Harry asked.
Why don't you dance, The man said.
Sir, I don't know how to dance, Harry said.
What?? Did I ask you? The man shouted.
I said dance, the man ordered.
Sir, you're drunk, please let me help you sit, Harry said and moved towards him but the man pushed him to the floor with a thud.
"Don't touch me", the man shouted you filthy ba#tard.
"S-sorry sir", Harry said trying to stand up.
"Dance now", the man again shouted moving towards him. Harry backed off and stepped on someone's foot.
S-sorry, He said turning to that person.
It's ok, Hermione said with a smile.
You ok?? She asked and Harry nodded.
Oh!!! You're here, we were waiting, the man said moving his hand to shake hands but she singled him to stop✋🏽
"Don't touch me with the filthy hands of yours", she said ruthlessly.
Oh!! Hahaha!! He faked his laugh.
"Come let's talk", he gestured for her to sit on the couch.
"It's not looking like you're in the condition of talking", she said.
You, go and get the most expensive liquor in this bar, the man ordered and Harry nodded. "Okay".
What do you take me for huh!! Why did you drink like a fu#king fish When you needed my help, am I your friend?? I don't like this fu#king shit behaviour of yours, Hermione shouted.
Hermione calm down, Ron said.
You get out, the head of the group ordered the drunken man and he nodded.
"I apologize for my son's behaviour", the head of the group said. "please, come and sit".
We have already talked about that so...why don't you just give us the amount we ask for, the head said.
Wait, when did I agree to this?? She asked with a smirk sitting on the couch.
"We had a deal with Mrs Granger, she said-
She said, she could make me have a meeting with you and because of my mother you are getting this opportunity to meet me and I'm not interested in helping you at all, Hermione cut him off and the head of the group balled his fist to control his anger.
"Sir," Harry said and set those drinks on the table and stood up.
Hey!!! Who gonna serve this?? The head of the group shouted.
Uhm!! S-sorry s-sir, I-, Harry stuttered and sat at the table and started opening the bottle.
What sorry, you took the salary for saying sorry or--
"Shut up", Hermione shouted even making Harry flinch a Little. "You're too noisy", she added.
Oh!! Sorry ma'am, the head of the group said.
You go, he ordered Harry. "I'll pour the drink by myself for you, ma'am", he said and started pouring the liquor.
I said what I have to say, now it's done here, get lost, Hermione said.
Ma'am please, I will be bankrupt if I don't get the amount, the head of the group said.
That's not my problem, Hermione said.
Hey!!! What do you think of yourself, I-
The head of the group was about to shout when Draco took his gun out.
Oh!! No..no.no.. Draco, not the gun, Hermione said and looked at Harry if he saw them but he was dozing off already. Hermione smiled a little after looking at him but soon she became the ruthless mafia girl when she realised where she was.
"You even dare to raise your voice in front of me, you know who you're talking to", Hermione said in a scary voice and the man sat on his knees and started pleading.
I'm sorry, p-please f-forgive me, Ma'am, if I..I didn't get t-the m-money I-
"I don't like people exactly like you who are always ready to lick anyone's ass for their selfish reasons, and I hated people raising their voices on me, she said crushing his hand with her heels.
S-sorry, p-please just g-give me one last chance, the head of the group fake cried.
You can fool my mother with these fu#king tears of yours, not me, Hermione said and she noticed that one of his men was about to take out a gun.
Are you sure about that?? Hermione asked leaning towards the head of the group with a smirk.
The head of the group looked at his man and signalled him not to fire it.
"Smart decision", Hermione said. "now get lost", she ordered and they ran off.

She ran to Harry who was dozing off on a chair.
How can he sleep in a bar, Draco asked.
What is he doing here, he should be in his house at this time, Hermione said.
Hey!!! Green eyes, Hermione said touching him and he stood up abruptly "Sorry", he said.
What??? Hermione shouted.
What's wrong with you, you scared me to death, I thought it was the owner, Harry said sitting on the chair.
What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here at this time, Hermione said.
Who are you to tell me where I should be and where I shouldn't, Harry said crossing his hands and Hermione smiled.
I'm just asking, Hermione said sweetly.
Is she really Hermione?? Draco whispered to Ron.
She doesn't look like her, Ron said.
Actually, I don't work late at night but my friend has something to do so I took his shift, Harry replied. "sit", he asked them to sit and she sat beside him at the table and Ron and Draco sat at another table.
Social service huh? Hermione asked.
No, he said he'll pay me, Harry replied.
But I'm feeling so sleepy, it's no good, I can't sleep right now, do you, do you have a marker?? Harry asked.
What will you do with a marker?? Hermione asked.
N-no, it..it's not a g-good i-idea, he said.
Why don't you wash your face?? Hermione said.
Yeah, it's a good idea, why didn't I think about this, Harry said with confusion. "Thank you," he said with a smile. His smile is also beautiful, Hermione thought.
Is he nuts??? Draco asked.
"He is cute", Hermione said with a smile.
"Cute?? I think he, isn't he a little idiot", Draco asked and Hermione stared at him, I said "A little", Draco clarified.
I know, he always sounds like one, but I like him in that way, Hermione said.

I wanted to end this entire scenario in this chapter but I guess I'll have to write it in another one.

Sorry for the long chapter, but Please, read it completely and thank you very much.

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Always be happy everyone.

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