Don't Kill Him

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Where were you?? I was searching every where but no one was here!!! Harry said.

Baby!! I had some work, here, she said handing him some papers.

What is this?? Harry asked looking at the papers.

Hermione?? Is this...

Yeah, that's your property, and now that's in your name according to your father's will,

Hermione said and explained everything to Harry and he was shocked how could his uncle hate him that much for no reason? He was so upset and hadn't been talking to anyone for days.

Everyone was upset and trying to see his smile again but he needed time to digest things.

You did a great act!!! Hermione said to Harry's brother.

Can I can't believe that my father manipulated me against Harry and I hated him...

No, you can't, Hermione said.

You're on your two feet only because of Harry but I very well know what have you done with him so I won't let you meet him, she added.

Please just once...I deserve what he has been through...I want to apologize, please...

Stop the fuc#ing crying and listen to me, if you dare to tell him about your father, I'll kill him and you!! Get that!! Hermione said.

I won't!! I won't say anything to him, he only deserves happiness and I won't snatch this from him now...

His brother said with tears in his eyes.

Fine, It's up to him if he wants to meet you I won't stop him but right now I can't let you meet him because he is not well, he needs time, Hermione said.

I understand he must be upset but I'm happy he met you, please take care of him, His brother said in tears.

Of course, I will and stop crying, if you dare to cry in front of him I swear I'll break your fingers for real, she said and he wiped his tears.

Some days later...

Harry was upset watching himself in the mirror and overthinking about whatever happened but his thoughts were interrupted when he saw Hermione's reflection behind him.

She was making hearts with her fingers giving him flying kisses and also making some stupid faces to make him smile.

Harry was staring at her as he never saw her this childish behaviour.

Harry turned to her and for a second he was blank but suddenly he ran to her and hugged her she also wrapped her one hand around his waist and the other on his head.

Baby!! You ok?? She asked.

Hermione?? Why?? Why everyone hates me?? What's wrong with me?? Am I really cursed??

Harry asked controlling his tears which were rolling down from his eyes.

Baby... they hated you because they were the bad ones!! and everyone will not love you even if you're nice so don't think much about others...because we are your family and we love you a lot... Right?? 

She asked breaking the hug to look into his beautiful green teary eyes.

Don't be upset and don't cry I'll kill him for you!! She said wiping his tears and Harry shook his head still crying.

No...don't kill him...please...Don't kill anyone...

Harry said looking at guards standing afar from them with guns.

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