Harry's Birthday

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In middle school...

Why do we have to do this?? Cedric asked.

Come on, Cedric, he is a loser in school, you approach him and befriend him, and then we will say oh!! Harry, it's a prank, it would be fun, isn't it?? His brother replied.

Exactly, we will make a fool out of him, it would be so fun, Gregory said.

Harry is so stupid, he will be happy after having a friend and the whole school will laugh at our prank, it's an awesome idea to become a cool prankster, we will be popular in school, Crabbe said.

Well, it's a good idea and it's only a prank there is nothing wrong about it, Cedric said.

Cedric started approaching Harry in multiple ways and finally, Harry started opening up with him he started laughing and talking to him, trusting Cedric that he thinks of him as a friend.

Why do you have to carry your brother's beg?? You are more like his servant than a brother, Cedric asked.

He will beat me if I don't, Harry replied.

Why?? Cedric asked not knowing about Harry's situation.

Uhm...he is..m-my...brother so...

Oh!! Brothers fight with each other it is common but Harry you should not give in this easily, Cedric said.

Btw, it's your birthday tomorrow, any plans??

Cedric asked and Harry shrugged his shoulder.

Harry, as your friend, I have a surprise for you, Cedric said.

Surprise?? Harry asked in excitement.

Yeah, you will come, right?? Cedric asked.

Umm, Harry nodded with a smile.


Everyone shouted and Harry was standing there completely blank.

He looked at Cedric for a reply.

Harry, it was a prank, Cedric said laughing.

I...r-really thought we...a-are..f-friends...

Harry said with teary eyes.

Seriously, you're so stupid, how can you even think Cedric is your friend, Gregory said and everyone was laughing.

Poor baby, doesn't have a friend...

You're a complete loser that's why you don't have any friends, never ever think about having friends, ok, or this will happen, His brother said and poured his drink on him and everyone was laughing except Harry.

Oh, it's his birthday, let's make a cake, Crabbe said.

They were throwing eggs at him and Harry stood there completely blank and upset.

They started throwing things and when that hit Harry, he screamed and then the smile on Cedric's face started fading away.

Guys!! That's too much, stop it, we didn't decide to hurt him, Cedric said standing in front of him.

What?? do you care about him?? Are you in love?? His brother said laughing.

It's nothing like that and you shouldn't hurt him for no reason, he is your brother, Cedric said and his brother laughed.

He is not my brother, he is just a servant, his brother said looking at Harry with disgust.

And Cedric, We are so popular Having him as a friend will only be a stain on your popularity, so you decide whether we are your friends or he?? Gregory said and Cedric moved aside after some time breaking Harry's trust.

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