Hermione's Anger

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Hermione left for the Mafia base. She was thinking about Harry's wound.

I think you were right, Harry couldn't be a spy, I was in a bad mood because Ron was injured and wasn't thinking straight, Draco said.

Leave that, as long as we are fine, Hermione said and sighed.

What happened?? Ron asked.

Harry, I think there is another bully who is hurting him, Hermione replied.

And why you think that?? Ron asked.

His hand was burnt in the morning but he was fine till yesterday night, Hermione replied.

His brother, I doubt he is behind this, she added.

His brother?? Ron asked.

Remember, when we first met him his fingers were injured and he mentioned his brother too, Hermione replied.

I noticed, that he is always in defensive mode whenever he mentions his brother, he flinches at any sudden sound and who can burn his hand when he is in his home, it must be his brother, Hermione added.

Maybe you're right, he wanted to tell us something and needed help but he shifted the conversation, maybe he was scared of his brother, Ron said.

If that's true and he is the one who hurt Harry I swear on God I'll burn that bast#rd alive, Hermione said.

Draco was standing and listening to them with no interest at all.

Why do you care if his brother or anyone else hurts him or maybe kills him, Draco said.

Draco!!! Hermione shouted.

No, I don't understand, is this the right time to talk about that TOPIC, is he more important than our work or maybe the traitor between us who is smart enough to ruin our plan, Draco said.

You tell me, Ron, we should first find the traitor or Harry's bully, He added looking at Ron.

And Do you really love him or just obsessed with getting him anyhow, he said looking at Hermione.

Listen, Draco, I guess we are smart and strong enough to handle both matters and I don't love anyone it's just-

She was about to say something when she got a video call. She picked it up to see it was Harry but it wasn't his number.

"Come to this address alone or he'll be dead" she got a message from the same number.

I have to leave somewhere, Hermione said telling her subordinate to trace the details of the number.

I'll also come, Ron said standing up from the bed.

You rest here!!!! They both shouted simultaneously because Ron was still recovering.

It's that Tom, I told you to kill him, Draco said coming with her.

It's related to Harry so you don't have to come, Hermione said stopping him from coming.

Tom held Harry hostage in a building of some local goons who took money to kill people.

So, your darling, Hermione will be here soon, Tom said to Harry who was scared.

I'll take revenge for what she did with us, Tom said angrily and Harry looked at him with wide eyes.

D-don't..h-hurt...her please ...she..has..n-nothing to do..with..this...

Harry stuttered and Tom moved towards him.

I don't understand How did a loser like you get a girl like her, Tom asked.

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