The End 🤗

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Harry was now like the youngest one of the family always stubborn and spoilt.
He got a family that loves him so much.

Firstly he was reluctant but slowly Hermione's excessive love made him too stubborn because he knows he will get whatever he wants.

She used to give him surprises, dates, gifts, always clingy and flirty and a little ok a lot possesive but Harry likes this possessiveness. Like he is somehow that much important for someone that's why he also likes to be more stubborn and demanding.

Why did you take me here?? Harry asked.

For a date, Hermione replied.

Date?? Harry asked.

My baby was angry with me so I have to make up with him, Hermione replied.

The waiter placed the food on the table.

Let me feed my baby with my hands, Hermione said and Harry stared at her.


Harry ate that reluctantly. Showing that he is still angry.

Baby, should we go on a date outside the country, beaches... You said you like them, Hermione asked.

I don't want to, I feel safe and happy at home, Harry replied still eating with Hermione's hand.

Baby, don't worry, you will feel safe and happy in every corner of this world when I'm with you, Hermione replied with smile.

This is so spicy, you don't like spices right?? Skip this, Hermione said while he was staring at her.

Baby, if girls in college talks to you, do tell them first that you have a girlfriend, they're always clingy, Hermione said focusing on food.



Why do you like me that much like this possesive?? Harry asked and Hermione looked at him.

Because I've realised that I'm like this only, if I love someone, I'll make sure that he gets all the happiness, comfort, and a kingly treatment, that only my Harry deserves, because I love you a lot, Hermione replied.

Then, I also have to do something for you, Harry said.

You just have to be yourself and loyal because I'm head over heels for my Baby, Hermione said and Harry blushed.

Baby, call me babe one more time please... Hermione said clinging to Harry.

No, I won't, Harry replied still pretending to be angry.


Oh!! The moon is beautiful, Hermione said looking at the moon and interlocked her fingers with his hand.

Not more than you... Harry said.

Pfft... Hermione scoffed.

What?? Harry asked a little embarasse.

Nothing...nothing... Hermione said controlling her laughter.

I don't wanna talk to you!!! Harry shouted leaving the place.'m sorry, Hermione apologized.

I never thought you will say something so cheesy like that, only because, I'm sorry, Hermione said.

Draco said it works on girls, Harry replied a little embarasse.

What he knows about girls?? Don't listen to his advice, Hermione said.

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