Mr Potter

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Dad?? What's wrong with you?? Harry's brother asked after he left.

I only asked you to not let him have friends, wasn't that your job?? Then how does he have a friend?? His father asked.

It was just a girl, so I thought-

Thank God, it's a girl so that I can manipulate her, I don't want any destruction in my plan, not even a small one, His father cut him off.

plan?? His brother asked.

Yeah, My plan, to get rid of this poverty and I want Harry to execute this plan, so if you want to be rich do as I say, his father said and he nodded.

What do you want me to do?? His brother asked.

Nothing, just be good to him for some time, his father said with a smirk.

"First, Let me deal with this girl...."


It's been two days since they were treating Harry nicely. The school was also fine as Tom and his girlfriend transferred schools for some personal reasons,

Harry was learning self-defence from Hermione and everyone was treating him nicely in school now he was a little confident too....

Harry started trusting his family and his hope that he finally got his happiness and love but....

So thank you for having me here...

Hermione said before entering the house.

Welcome!!! Harry replied with a great smile.

Oh!!! You're happy....

Very happy.....

Are you cooking??

Hermione asked as he was wearing an apron.

Yeah!! My father said we will have dinner together, you're not busy right?? Harry asked.

I'm always free for you....

Hermione replied with a smile and Harry dragged her with him totally excited first time having a friend in his home.

What do you like the most?? I'll cook...

You said you don't know how to cook that's why you burnt your hand, remember??

Hermione asked knowing he was lying.

Uh!! Y-yeah!! I mean...I can cook now...

Harry said and Hermione stared at him in disbelief.

Fine!! My brother did that... Harry replied. me he is really treating me nicely now, please Hermione....I'm really very happy now... It feels like a family again...please....

Harry said holding her hands because he could see the pure anger in her eyes for his brother.
she relaxed her fist and smiled.

Promise me, you won't tell Ron and Draco about it or else they will arrest him, Harry said with his cute pout and Hermione smiled.

Fine...but Harry you don't need to protect him, he deserves- I'm good at fighting too... If he hurt me I'll punch him in his nose, Harry said with a smile making a small fist.

So You're a fighter only in two days, Hermione said controlling her laughter.

Yeah!! I even did ten push-ups yesterday...

Harry said and Hermione started laughing.

Wow!! Great!! Even I can't do that much...

Don't laugh!!! I'm learning...

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