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Please wrap your head around the previous chapter to understand this chapter ....

Harry, what are you doing here in the morning, Ms Mcgonagall asked.

I made breakfast for Hermione. She was upset that I lied about fighting in school, she said she didn't mind if I even kill anyone and she is not mad anymore but if she is a little angry she won't be after eating this, Harry replied.

Oh, trying to make up with her, Ms Mcgonagall said and Harry smiled putting the breakfast on the table.

But she won't eat it, Ms Mcgonagall said and Harry looked at her.


Harry, she is mad at you and it's not even a day, you can't make up with her just with food, I mean what do you think you are, Ms Mcgonagall replied and Harry's smile dropped.

Harry, she is always like this if she is angry with someone, give her some time and she'll be fine, if you will try to make up with her, she will hate you more, Ms Mcgonagall said holding his hands.

But, she is-

Harry, she gets bored of these things, she will be bored of you as well after some time, Ms Mcgonagall cut him off and Harry was a little upset.

So what should I do?? Harry asked.

I know her, just give her some time and I'll talk to her for you, ok, Ms Mcgonagall said and Harry nodded.

Harry, you should take this breakfast to school, friends share their food in school, don't they?? She asked.

It's ok, I don't have friends in school, Harry replied.

Harry, then you should make friends, I won't listen to anything, I'm packing it and you will take the tiffin box to school, Ms Mcgonagall said and Harry nodded reluctantly.

After some time...
Where is Harry, Hermione asked.

He went to school,

This early??

Yeah, He was so happy today, he even made a tiffin box for school, he said he will eat it with his friends, Ms Mcgonagall said.

Friends?? Hermione said and left with an apple.

"You should feel bad and dejected then I'll kill him and you" Ms Mcgonagall said.

I don't know why Hermione is so angry with me, Harry asked.

Harry, don't think much about her, she is always like this, she gets bored easily with things and people too, Ms Mcgonagall replied.

See, she used to like that painting alot but she asked me threw it away after you came, maybe now she is getting bored of you as well, Ms Mcgonagall said and Harry hold her hands.

Are you serious?? Is she bored of me?? Harry asked with wide eyes.

I told you don't think much about it, just be happy and behave the way she wants, if you will be good, and behave nicely, she won't throw you away, Ms Mcgonagall said with a assuring smile.

Ok, I'll behave, I'll be really good, then Hermione won't leave me right?? Harry asked with excitement.

Of course, she won't, she replied and hugged him.

Why don't you clean her room and wash the dishes, I also have lots of work, Ms Mcgonagall said.

Sure, Harry said.

Idiot, Ms Mcgonagall said after he left.

What happened yesterday? You were crying?? Ms Mcgonagall asked.

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