What Goes Around Comes Around

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Why are you touching my stuff?? Draco asked.

A-actually..I was getting bored so I thought-

So you'll touch my stuff?? Draco said.

S-sorry...I should have asked-

Harry said and Draco started laughing. Harry stared at him couldn't believe he was laughing.

I was just kidding!! Draco said.

If you're getting bored we can play outside? Draco said after some time.

Really? Are you serious?? Harry asked.

Yeah, I'm off duty because I'm injured, Draco said. Wanna come?? He asked.


Harry said little confused.

Hey guys, why don't we play together?? Draco said passing the ball to Hermione and Harry was standing with the baseball bat.

Sure!!! Harry will be in my team!!! Hermione said Dragging him with her.

Are you serious?? You never let anyone touch your stuff?? Ron asked.

It's ok, I guess sometimes we can use the bat to hit the ball instead of people, Draco said with a smile.

You're acting weird, when did you start liking him?? You said you don't like him because he is a coward, Ron said.

He is not....Draco said.

Bravery is not killing someone without giving a single thought but saving someone without caring for your own life, and I learned this real meaning of bravery from him, he added looking at Harry.

Come on!!!! Harry and Hermione shouted and they both joined everyone played baseball in the garden.

I'm so tired now!!! Harry said lying on the floor.

Harry, you can do this!!! Only ten more push-ups!!! Draco said.

Have some mercy on him!! Ron said.

Hermione was not this strict!! Harry said.

She wasn't serious with your training but I am, you can't build muscles until you feel the pain, Draco said.

But I've already did that..that..

Pull-ups!! Ron said.

Yeah!!! Harry said and Draco stared at him.

Only ten more!! Harry said with a loose face.

You're reacting like a strict gym trainer now!! Ron said.

I wonder what will happen on leg day, Ron said and Draco stared at him.

I'm leaving!! I have some work to do!! Ron said and left.

What happened here?? Draco asked pointing at a scar on Harry's hand.

Oh!!! That!! Someone hit me in school, I don't remember exactly, but at school, they used to bully a boy then his brother beat up the bullies and they stopped bullying him, but I became their target I wish my brother had also beaten them, but if I had told him, he would have beaten me instead, Harry said with a smile.

Can we have breakfast, I'm tired of watching these dumbbells, Harry added and started leaving.



If anyone bothers you in future, let me know, I'll beat everyone who bothers you, or if you beat them I will handle the rest, Draco said and Harry smiled and nodded.

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