Who Hurt Him?

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Why are you having a meeting with Mr Voldemort, I told you he is not trustworthy, he sent his man to spy on us and there are some more of them, Hermione said to her father.

Who are these men?? Do you know?? Her father asked.

Dad, you gonna believe me, or do you trust him more than me, I mean you're the one who taught me, never to trust anyone and now--

I don't trust anyone, I just expect more from you Hermione, I expect the name or maybe the dead body of those traitors, not just doubt but the proof, Her father cut her off.

Okay, She said.

Don't worry about me maybe he can be a rival but he can't harm me and you're going to inherit the business and mafia world so I want you to surpass everyone even me, Her father said.

Okay, Dad, Hermione said and left the room.

He is right, we have to first find the traitors, Ron said.

What's the process, Hermione asked.

Well, there are some people I doubt to be traitors, Draco said handing her a list.
Should I kill them?? Draco asked.

No, I believe there must be someone else controlling them we need that name, someone close to us, Hermione said.
If you get that name, kill them, Hermione said.

Now it will be more fun, Draco said with a smirk.
So wanna come?? Draco asked.

No, I have to go somewhere else, Hermione said.

Where?? Ron asked.

Well, it's about time for his part-time job, Hermione said.

Harry?? Ron asked.

Dude, can you please stop that love drama, we know you don't love him or anything, Draco said.

It's getting on my nerves now, I don't know for what but I want him anyhow, Hermione said.

And what will you do after that?? Ron asked.

We will think about it once I get him, Hermione said and smiled "Time to go".

Harry went to the convenience store where he works. His everyday schedule was always the same. He wasn't able to pay attention to his work after whatever happened in school, he was mentally broken thinking he wouldn't be able to attend school or make friends anymore.

Hey!!! Hermione said and he didn't even react or look at her. He was in his thoughts.

Oh, you work here, what a coincidence, I didn't know about it, She added and Harry again didn't say anything.

What happened?? Hermione said lifting his face from his chin.

Don't touch me please, Harry said jerking her hand off.

What happened to your face, Hermione asked angrily.

Nothing happened, he replied in a low voice and left to do his work. Hermione went after him noticing that he was limping.

What you had a fight?? Hermione asked.

It's none of your business, Harry said again moving to his desk.

Stop avoiding me and answer me, Hermione shouted.

I'm not avoiding you, I'm just doing my work, Harry said again moving to the aisle started removing the expired things, not paying any attention to her.

Fine, answer me, did you fight?? Did someone hurt you?? She asked clenching his hand stopping him from moving anywhere.

Please, leave my hand, I have to finish my work, Harry said controlling his tears.

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