Harry Is Brave ??

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Hermione was boxing when Ron came to her.

What happened?? What are you angry about?? Ron asked.

Harry, he said he signed a paper, it must be what I was thinking, she replied.

Is there any problem?? He asked.

I cried!!

What?? From when did you start crying, Ron asked.

Strange... Right?? She said with a smile and started punching the punching bag again.

What?? you want to talk about something?? Draco asked as Harry was staring at him.

Uh...I wanted to buy a present for Hermione so I was thinking about going outside-

No, you can't, Draco cut him off and started doing his work.

Please, I asked Ms McGonagall about it, she will come with me, Harry said.

Why don't you understand it's for your safety, and what present?? Do you really think Hermione lacks something? Draco replied.

He never liked Harry's being innocent Or he never liked anyone being innocent.

I know she doesn't but it's from me, I want to buy a present for her, Harry said and Draco looked at him.

Fine!! Let's go, he stood up from his chair.

You don't have to come Ms McGonagall-

Harry, your safety is my responsibility, I can't let you go alone, so come with me...

What do you think she will like it?? Harry asked while Draco was driving the car and Harry sat in the front seat.

Why are you asking me all this?? Draco replied.

What?? You never had any girlfriend, Harry asked and Draco stared at him.

Just asking- Harry said looking around.

I had lots of girlfriends not one, Draco replied.

And what do you mean by girlfriend?? You think she is your girlfriend?? Draco asked.

I didn't mean that, I mean if you have a girlfriend, you may know what to buy for a girl, that's why I asked, Harry defended.

You think you're smart enough to fool me, Draco asked.

But Draco noticed that a car was following them for a long time.

He understood someone was following them but he managed to fool them with his driving skills without letting Harry know about it.

He called Hermione telling her that something is wrong and Harry is with him.

He stopped the car in a corner knowing that they were trapped and he couldn't let Harry know about their work.

Harry, you should leave from here, Draco said.

Why?? We are not going back home... Harry asked.

I said, leave from here!! Draco shouted and Harry nodded reluctantly.

The place was deserted. No wonder they followed them to come to this place.

Draco pulled out his gun and started looking around.

When someone shot he hid behind his car and started backfire.

He shot some people from the opposite side saving himself from getting shot.

Draco almost killed everyone but he was also badly injured and got a shot on his leg.

The man who shot him came to him and asked him something.

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