Let's Be Friends

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What do you mean by this?? Dad, I'm not going to attend any school, Hermione said.

Listen, Hermione, I want you to at least finish high school, Her Dad said.

What's the point of it?? I'm already handling the business, why do I have to waste my time? Hermione said.

I know, and I feel bad for that, I feel I snatched your childhood from you, I want you to at least have some good memories of your school, Her Dad said.

Dad, don't be emotional, I love my work, it's challenging and I love challenges, there is nothing to feel bad about it, Hermione said.

Exactly, the work that comes with life-threatening situations, I want you to enjoy your life at least for some time, Her Dad said.

Dad, what nonsense is this? School, seriously, that's even sounds funny, Hermione said.

I have decided, girl, you have to join the school and live your life for me, and be happy for some time because, in future, you won't get that happiness, her Dad said.

Dad, but- fine, she shied after looking at her father. "But if I don't like that, I will stop wasting my time", she added.

Great, so you're going to join this school. This is country's best school and if you want to go somewhere out of the country then also fine by me, Her Dad said.

I'm not going out of the country nor I'm going to attend this school, she said leaving the file on the table.

If you want me to go to school and live my life, I'll attend *&* school, Hermione said.

Why *&* school?? Not even heard about it, Her Dad said.

If I go then only this school or else-

Fine, I'm ok with that, Her Dad cut her off. "But you have to hide who you are and live your life as a student happily, Ron and Draco will always be there around you for your safety", her Dad said.

Dad, you don't have to-

I know you don't think much about it but for me, your life is so precious, I love you, my girl, Her Dad said holding her hands.

Fine, you don't have to be this emotional, Hermione said.

What a pain!!, Hermione said standing outside the classroom.

I'm Hermione Granger, Nice to meet you all, She said.

Everyone in the class was mesmerized by her beauty and attitude, especially the boys, wanting to sit with her.

Harry was sitting on his seat his head was on the desk and he didn't pay any attention to anything as he was thinking about what Tom said.

Good, now you can sit with Bellatrix, she is the topper of the class, the teacher said with a smile.

I want to sit with Harry, Hermione said and everyone looked at Harry.

Even Harry looked at the transfer student when he heard his name. "It's her", he thought. Then he looked at everyone as they were staring at him.

The teacher laughed and Harry started staring at the floor.

"He is a loser in the class, always fails in almost every subject, always skips classes and never pays attention, you're a new stu-

"You really think you are a teacher" Hermione cut him off.

A teacher should always encourage his students and never compare them, making fun of your student in class, ridiculous, Hermione stared at the teacher and said referring the word "ridiculous" to him.

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