She Is Mine

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Harry went back to the house but was avoiding Hermione and her touch, especially thinking about what Luna said. That makes Hermione think about what's going on with him.

Baby, let's go, diner is ready!! Hermione said.

I..I'll eat later...

Harry said and Hermione stared at him.

Fine, then let's eat after some time,

No, you go and eat I'll eat later, Harry said.

But baby...we always eat together...

She said moving her hand towards him but he jumped back.

I'm not your baby!!! Harry said.

I remember I have some work to do!! See you later!!

He added and ran to his room and Hermione followed him.

Baby... What happened?? Hermione asked.

Nothing happened!! He replied sitting on the bed.

Are you upset about something or mad at me?? She asked moving towards him and he fell off the bed in an attempt to drag himself away from her.


She shouted running towards him but Harry again tried to move away in that little space ruffling his head.

What's wrong huh?? Tell me and don't move!! She said sitting in the corner beside the bed.

Did you hurt your head?? She asked ruffling his head with so much concern.



Do you think- you think that I might I mean...

Harry, come on, say it!! She said.

Don't think of me as your sugar baby!!!

he closed his eyes and blurt out waiting for an answer Harry opened his one eye and Hermione just burst into laughter.

What?? Why are you laughing?? I'm serious!!

Harry started defending but she was laughing uncontrollably.

Do you!!! Do you even know the meaning of this?? She asked between her laughs.

Yeah, Luna told me!! Harry replied and now she stopped laughing.

Who told you?? She said in a jealous or serious tone.

You answer me first!!

Of course, you're not!!! Baby... She said cupping his face.

Then....what...I am to you!! Harry asked.


You're special!! That's what she said.

Special?? What does that mean?? Luna asked.

I don't know!! But I'm definitely not what you think I am!! Harry replied.

I'm special!! Harry said with a smile.

and you made me a fool in front of her, Harry complained.

Ok ok, Harry but you guys should give a name to your relationship, I mean why don't you propose her?? Luna asked and Harry's eyes widened.

I...c-can't p-propose..her...come on...I'm...

Harry stuttered visibly blushing.

The bell rang and the teacher entered the class.

I want to give names for a story-writing competition?? Is anyone Interested?? The teacher asked after class and some students picked their hands up.

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