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Lloyd's pov-

"GRAHHH!!!" I yelled as loud as I could. Yelling usually helps me calm down, how I found that out was a very destructive process. Anyways I yelled because I COULDNT FIND ANYTHING!!! "THERES THE ENTIRE HISTORY OFF NINJAGO AND MY FAMILY AND A TON OF THINGS ABOUT THE GREEN NINJA AND THE DRAGONS AND ONIS AND ATON OF OTHER THINGS BUT THERES NOTHING ON ABOUT VISIONS?!!! THATS SO STUPID!!!" I yelled. I then grabbed a random scroll and threw it at the wall I then put my head down on the table I was at. I then yelled again as loud as I could to help my anger cool down. I was so frustrated, confused, angry, tired, and just, ALL THE ABOVE!!! What does that vision mean?! Is it talking about the future?! Will I have kids with Rumi?! And will my father actually die?! I started to think a ton about the vision and everything that happened in it. How I lost my anger and attacked Rumi, how I acted when my father died, how I attacked Kai before I attacked Rumi, how I had kids with Rumi, just...everything! And who's they?! Who killed my father?! Beatrix?! I hope not.

I was so confused on what the answer could be to all this, and that's when I figured it out. That was an event that could have happened if the merge never occurred! It just is the only thing that makes absolute sense! I mean there could be something else and to be honest I don't even know how I got the answer. I don't even know how it came up in my head. But I think I should just ignore it as it's just a vision. I then stared out the window and I saw Euphragia training outside. I smiled as she's willingly out there training. "Hers powers are getting stronger." I said to myself. I then decided to go out there and watch, I was walking down the hall near the other bed rooms when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain go up my spine to my head to my entire body. I screamed very loud in pain as this was the worse pain I've ever felt, it felt like the life was being drained from me, I felt extremely weak, and before I knew it I saw black and I didn't remember anything after that...

Arins pov-

(This is during Lloyd's pov)

I went over to Kai's room and I slowly opened the door. I then saw him asleep, great just great! Now I have to wake him up! I tip toed over to his bed and I slightly tapped his shoulder he didn't move or do anything, so I did it with a little more effort this time and he still didn't react. So I grabbed hid blanket and pulled it off the bed and he STILL didn't react!!! So I grabbed his arm and leg and I pulled him off the bed as best as I could and he FINNALY woke up!!! "H-huh? You need somethin Arin?" Kai asked. Are you serious right now. Anyways! "Yeah so Lloyd is panicking a ton and I kinda need your help to calm him down and to figure out what he's panicking about, I heard him talk about visions and the future, but I'm not to sure on what that all means?" I said. Then Kai Yawns and says "Fine let's go see what the deal is" and so we got up and we heard Lloyd yell very loud twice. "Is he ok?!" I asked. But Kai just looked so casual about it and says "Ever sense we defeated the over lord Lloyd just started yelling as loud as he can to get rid of all the anger he has and to cool down. So him yelling like that out of nowhere is pretty normal." Wow he never did that when I was there, he must have not found the answer to what he was looking for. But then thats when we heard the loudest scream ever in the history if screams! "Oh no!" Kai said. "Why oh no I thought you said it was normal for him to scream?!" I asked. Then Kai really looked worried and yelled "No that wasn't out of frustration, that sounded like he was in pain!!!" We then rushed over to Lloyd to find him blacked out on the ground! "LLOYD!" Me and Kai yelled. Then as I ran to Lloyd that's when Kia yelled at me saying "ARIN ITS TRAP!!!" but by the time he said that it was to late, I felt a painful sharp pain go up my spine to my head to my entire body. It felt like the life was being sucked right out of me! I then fell to the ground as I was to weak to stand, and before I knew it I blacked out...

To be continued...

Word count- 829

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