🖤Two Worlds💜

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"Wh-wha?!!!" Kai said confused. "How can there be two Lloyd's?!!! I don't understand, is that what they ment by teleporting to other universes???"

This second Lloyd was taller, he looked about 6'5, he was older maybe late 30's early 40's, he wore the golden armor that his Oni form had, and he looked tired, pale, exhausted, horrified, traumatized, angry, and devastated. Then he got up and death stared the Omega.

"Why. Are. You. DOING THIS TO ME!!!!!" Demanded 2nd Lloyd.

"You are destined to side with destruction..."

Then Lloyd's eyes turned bright Magenta and then he lashed out at the Omega.


But the Omega moved out of the way and Lloyd stopped himself and this only made him more angrier. This made the Omega smirk and that made Lloyd even more angry. Lloyd then started walking towards the Omega with flames forming on his hands. But then suddenly Lloyd felt weak and he ended up getting dizzy and he fell to the ground on his knees.

"No matter how hard you try you will always be under my control. And I will get your son."

"Son?!!!" Kai whispered confused.

"You. Will. Not. Put. Your. Claws. On. Him." Lloyd said in a deep voice.

Then suddenly The Lloyd who was chained up woke up the Omega looked at him and said.

"Your threats won't scare me. Now what threats will you throw at me when I take your so called son away?"

"YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF ARIN!!!!" Chained up Lloyd yelled as his eyes turned bright magenta.

"Hes after Arin?!" Kai questioned.

Then suddenly Kai noticed that the key to unlocking him from the chains was right next to him.

"This. Entire. Time." Kai said while gritting his teeth.

He then reached his right hand towards the key, grabbed it, and moved it around in the lock until it unlocked. Then he slowly and quietly took of the chains and slowly and quietly hid behind some boxes.

"You must care about the boy alot as your to weak to yell but yet you're yelling on the top of your lungs."

Then the older Lloyd growled in a deep tone as he looked up and death stared the Omega before falling completely flat on the ground and blacking out. And not to long after younger Lloyd blacked out aswell.

"Two down...two to go..."

Then out of no where Kai felt really dizzy and passed out.


"Aaand they went offline, great, looks like we can't find them now." Jay said.

"No there must be another way!" Zane said.

"No there isn't now just give up!" Jay said.

"No! I will not quit because Ninja never quit!" Zane said.

Then Zane transferred information from the computer to his system.

"Everyone come with me!!!" Zane demanded.

Everyone went down the elevator to the bottom of the monastery steps. Zane then walked up to a button hidden on the side of the stairs and he pressed it. Then suddenly a huge ship apeared from the sky and it hovered nine hundred feet above the ground.

"When did you build this???" The kids ask.

"Incase of an emergency if we didn't have the bounty in our possession, i created modle 82476!" Zane answered.

"I'll find a better name for that" Sora mummbled.

"Whatever let's just get on and save the others!!!" Jay said as he jumped on the rope ladder and started climbing up.

Everyone followed Jay and climbed up the rope ladder and got on board. Then Zane went to the wheel and put in the cowardinets to Prime evils eye. But little did they know what they were going to be greeted with...


Lloyd slowly opened his eyes. He got up but still felt pretty weak as those green chains really took alot of his energy from him. He examined his surroundings and saw he was put in some sort of cell that had venge stone bars and green bars aswell. It seemed that the green bars are made out of the same material as the green chains. Lloyd then noticed that he wasn't the only one in the cell. There was a person laying against the wall in the corner of the cell wearing a black robe and black rags. When he walked closer to the person he gasped.

"Is that...me?!!!" Lloyd whisper yelled.

This version of him looked old, tired, and beat up. But what stood out the most is that this version of him had a huge black scar across his face. And when Lloyd looked closely, this version of him had dry blood on his robe and rags, and it looked like it wasn't to old.

"Lloyd!!! You there?!!!" Kai yelled from afar.

Lloyd gasped and ran towards the bars of the cell but soon felt weak as the green bars were a real threat towards Oni and Dragons. He went to the vengestone bars instead and looked around and that's when he spotted a peice of glass facing Kais cell which was above Lloyd and his other versions cell and so Lloyd could see Kais reflection through the glass and Kai could see Lloyd through the glass aswell.

"KAI!" Lloyd yelled.

"LLOYD! THANK THE FSM YOU'RE OK!" Kai yelled in relief.

"Where are we???" Lloyd asked.

"Im not sure! I know that we were on this weird ship that wasn't the bounty and then the next thing I know we're here!!!" Kai yelled.

"Well do you know who is this version of me?!!!" Lloyd asked.

"Not really, except I know that they call him The Golden Oni King!!" Kai says.

"Wait who's?!!!-"

But before Lloyd could finish asking his question he got punched really hard on the back of the head. He fell to the ground and ended up having a massive headache. When he turned around he saw his other version of himself pointing a pocket knife directly at his face and breathing very heavy and loud. His eyes were bright magenta and his fangs were out, then he spoke.


To be continued...

Word count- 1,022

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