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"We need to keep going, regardless of the smoke!" Sora said.

So they continued walking down the hall and that's when they saw ice everywhere.

"Zane? Is this your ice?! are you here?!" Euphragia asked.

Then once they got closer to the center of the smoke that's when they heard.

"P-p-powering off..."

"That sounded like Zane!" Arin said concerned.

"Zane where are you?!!!" Sora yelled.

Then suddenly Sora, Arin, and Euphragia were trapped in an Emperium force feild. Euphragia gasped.

"What?!!!" Arin yelled.

"Oh no!!!" Sora yelled.

"We got the boy." Ras said.

Then the smoke cleared up and revealed Lord ras, Jordana, Beatrix, and La'Row.

"What?!!!" Arin yelled.

"How we have a high security you shouldn't have been able to find us!!!" Sora yelled.

"Your right, we couldn't find you kids thanks to your security system. But thanks to a freind we got in." Beatrix said.

"But everyone was on the deck!!!" Euphragia said.

"You sure about that?" Jordana asked.

Then when the four moved out of the way that's when Jay walked foward and chuckled in their faces.

"JAY???" Arin yelled.


"You kidnap me from the administration office, take me to your horrible house, force me to remember things I don't know, force me to stay in there all the time, and you thought I was fine with all that?!!!!!" Jay yelled in frustration.

They were sholocked, then Euphragia spoke.

"But your!!!-"

"IM NOT A NINJA!!!! WHAT PART OF THAT DO YOU GUYS NOT UNDERSTAND?!!!!!!" Jay yelled on the top of his lungs.

"Yes you are!!!! You're Jay Walker the Lightning Ninja!!!" Arin yelled.

"NO IM NOT!!!!!!" Jay yelled even louder.

"ENOUGH OF THIS NON SENSE! MAKE THEM SHUTUP!" Ras yelled in frustration.

Then La'Row clicked a button and smoke filled the force feild. And that's when Sora, Arin, and Euphragia all blacked out.


Harumi ran as quick as light and hid somewhere no one would find them. Then she placed Lloyd down on a rock and examined his wound.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

Lloyd grunted.

"W-what do you th-ink?!!" He managed to say.

"Right! Sorry! We need to get you out of here!" She said.

"Wait wait how are you here?" He asked.

"They took me hostage but I managed to escape and I've been trying to find a way out ever sense. But I'm not the one in danger here! It's you, they want you to drain all your power and if they get their hands on that power the world and every universe as we know it is gone. And its not just you, the Omega has two other versions of you in his grasp, you already met one of them. But he also wants three holders of creation, and your student Arin is one of them, then another one is another version of me, and im not to sure on whos the other one!" She said.

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