🐉Dragons and Power⚜️

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Kai's pov-

I watched as Arin blacked out next to Lloyd right in front of me. I was in shock as what made Arin black out was non other than a beam coming from Dr. La'Row's Dragon draining device! And then I saw Beatrix and La'Row walk out shocked and confused. But before they said anything I started to attack them because they hurt Lloyd! Lloyd has never ever yelled as loud as he did just a minute ago and I can NOT let them get away with ANY of that!

Then as I was fighting I caught a quick glimpse of Lloyd and Arin and I saw Nya, Eufragia, Zane, Jay, and Geo trying to get them medical attention, Cole and Wildfire were helping me fight, and Sora was examining the device that drained something out of Lloyd and Arin from afar sense La'Row had it in hers hand.

We continued fighting and we then led the fight outside meanwhile I saw Nya and the others go to the bounty with Lloyd and Arin. Then out of no where La'Row yelled "WE HAVE ENOUGH!" and then Beatrix and La'Row ran away and then disappeared. I then heard Nya yell "GUYS GET UP HERE!" Me, Wildfire, And Cole went up to the bounty where everyone else were and that's when things really went south.

"I scanned them both and I noticed a change in both of them. But Lloyd's changes concern me the most." Zane said. "How so?!" I asked. "Well I was examining the device La'Row had in hers hand and it looked like some sort of dragon power device!" Sora said. "Wait so your saying they sucked all the dragon power out of Lloyd?!!!" I yelled. "Not all as they only took the base of his power, so that must mean that the device couldn't handle having all the power. The same thing occurred with Aron." Zane said. "Wait Aron is part dragon?!!!" Sora asked. "No, he just has dragon powers" Zane said. "But that doesn't make sense" I said. "And that's where I'm most lost at" Zane said. "Wait but why would they want dragon power if their banished from Emperium?" Euphragia asked. "That's what concerns me." Nya said. I then saw everyone with a worried face. I was very concerned for Lloyd's health as he got half of his being sucked out of him. A power is basically apart of you, if you get that taken away it'll feel like a peice of you is missing, like half of your body was ripped out of you. I feel horrible, and Aron is just a kid he's only 15!

Then before I knew it I saw Aron twitching and he opened his eyes. "Arin are you ok?!" Sora asked. "I c-can't" Aron managed to say. Sora looked the most worried for Aron meanwhile I was extremely worried for Lloyd as he still hadn't woken up! Zane started scanning Aron and said "he'll be fine but for Lloyd it was a different story. They took alot of Lloyds dragon side and a ton of the power there." Zane said. "And because of this his Oni side is filling up that empty space which isn't good. "If Lloyd doesn't have good control on his Oni side he's going to be extremely dangerous and could destroy everything" Zane said. Then Lloyd moved. "Lloyd?!" I said. "He seems to be seeing something" Zane said. "What do you mean" Nya asked. "I scanned him and it says his mind is seeing something" Zane said. "A v-vison" Aron said. That makes sense. "Well what ever it is let's hope it's good and nothing bad to startle him as he's not in the state to scream or even move" Cole said. I agree with him but knowing Lloyd he is going to do something that will harm himself when he wakes up. We then left the monastery as it's to dangerous for Lloyd and Arin. We then went to Shintaro as Cole suggested it and said that Vania could help us. Vania gave Cole hers location as they still keep in touch even after the merge. So we were set on that path.

Nya was at the wheel with Zane and Jay, Geo, Cole, Euphragia, Me, and Sora were in one of the rooms with Lloyd and Arin laying in beds unconscious. Me and Sora were the most worried for them as they were like brothers to us. Lloyd has told me about alot of his visions and most of them weren't good. I'm hoping that this vision or whatever he's seeing is good...

3rd person-

Lloyd's vision...

Lloyd woke up in a feild and there was dragons flying all over. "Huh?" Lloyd said. He looked around and saw black cracks growing across the ground and they spelt out names. The black cracks intertwined with Gold cracks and together they created an image. They spelt out everyone in Lloyd's family. It had the first spinjitsu master in Gold, Wu in Gold, Garmadon in Black and Gold, and for Lloyd his is Gold. But then he saw the same image on the other side but there were to more names and it looked a bit different. The fsm's was Gold, Wu's was Gold, Garmadons was Gold, Lloyd's was black with a little strand of Gold, and then Lloyd couldn't make out what the two other names were but one was Gold, and the other was both Gold and Black. "W-what is all this?! Why is my name in both of them?! why is dad's fully Gold here and Gold and black over there?! And why is mine Balck here and Gold over there?! And who are the two other names and what are the two other names?! And why is this one half Gold half Black?!" Lloyd asked worried. Then out of no where the dragons roared which startled Lloyd. Then Lloyd tryed to calm them down but then a ton of shadow figures appeared and started blasting the dragons and then one death stared Lloyd and this figure was Gold with purplish, redish eyes. And he was about to blast Lloyd until Lloyd woke up right before he got hit.

Lloyd's pov-

"GAHHHHHHHH!!!" I yelled as I got up but then I felt a painful pain and I yelled again but not as loud as the first time. Then Kai sprinted up to me and helped me and said "I knew you'd do this, you need to calm down, I get that it might have scared you but calm down Lloyd your gonna seriously hurt yourself I can't stand seeing you hurt!" "S-sorry." I said. "Are you ok?" Kai asked. "Y-yeah." I said. "Now tell me, what did you see?" Kai asked.

"...concerning things..."

To be continued...

Word count- 1,141

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