🖤This Is A Problem🖤

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"Ummm Harumi, why are you uhhh glowing?" Nya asked.

"Glowing?" Harumi questioned.

Then she looked at her arms and noticed she was flickering.

"Oh no, not now!" Harumi mummbled.

Nya got confused.

"Gotta make this quick." Harumi mummbled. "Stay behind me and when I tell you guys to run you run got that?!" Harumi asked them.

They nod.

Harumi then gets ready to charge at the Oni King when she suddenly started flickering from normal to transparent purple more rapidly. Nya started to get concerned and started trying to figure out what was happening to her. Then Harumi charged at The Oni King as she was ready to strike him with her sword and he was ready to slash her with his claws. She got closer and closer and then striked him. But right as she went to slash him she went completely through him and became transparent purple. She fell face flat in the ground and her sword also turned transparent purple. The Ninja were shocked at what just happened and that's when Harumi realized what had happened.

"YOUR A GHOST???" Kai, Cole, and Nya yelled.

Then the Oni King roared on the top of his lungs as his hands became engulfed in bright purple flames.

"RUN!" She yelled.

The Oni King started going after them and so they ran away leaving Harumi behind when suddenly as she got up from the ground in pain a huge group of Oni showed up and tazed her with a special type of tazer specifically made for people like her. She fell to the ground once more, blacked out, and they chained her up and took her to the Omega.


"Ok now I'm definitely hearing things!" Sora said.

"No your not because I'm hearing the same thing!" Euphragia told her.

"Look, I'll help you two get out of the cell but I'm not going to stay with you as I need to get out of here and find someone." Lloyd explained as he started trying to brake open the cell.

"Wait who are you going to find?" Euphragia asked.

"A...close freind of mine." Lloyd said as he ripped off one of the bars.

Then Sora and Euphragia got out of the cell and that's when they noticed that this Lloyd was flickering from normal to transparent green.

"Ummm why are you glowing?" Sora asked.

"Glowing?" Lloyd questioned.

Then when he looked at his arm he realized what was happening.

"Shoot" He mummbled.

"What's wrong?" Euphragia asked.

"Well you see...I'm kinda not alive?" He said.

"Huh?!" Sora said.

"What do you mean you're not alive, are you a ghost?!" Euphragia asked.

"Not exactly...I'm not a Ghost as they don't have a solid form, but I'm actually a spirit..." Lloyd said.

"WHAT?!" Sora yelled.

Then suddenly Kai, Cole, and Nya came running at full speed.


"I KNOW BUT WHERE!!!" Cole yelled.

"NOT SURE!!!" Nya yelled.

"GUYS!!!" Sora and Euphragia yelled.

Spirit Lloyd turned around and saw the three running at full speed. Then the three made it and hid behind spirit Lloyd.

"Wait what are you guys running from?" Sora asked.

Then suddenly The Oni King apeared from around the corner and walked towards them.

"THAT!" Kai yelled out of breath.

"Oh great." Spirit Lloyd mummbled. "Out of all times it had to be now."

Spirit Lloyd then stood infront of them to protect them from The Oni King when suddenly he started flashing from normal to transparent green more quickly.

"Alright when I tell you guys to run you don't question it nor do you stay behind to help you just run got that?!!!" Lloyd asked.

Everyone nodded.

Then Lloyd ran towards The Oni King as he started blasting him. And when he was about to pounce on the Oni King he instead went right through the Oni Knig and fell to the ground as he went completely transparent green.

"YOUR A GHOST TOO???" Kai, Cole, and Nya yelled.

"JUST SHUTUP AND RUN!!!!" Lloyd yelled.

So they did just that as they took Sora and Euphragia with them. The Oni King went after them leaving Spirit Lloyd behind. He then got up and looked at himself.

"Ofcourse it would happen now. Out of all the times it could have happened."

Then suddenly a huge group of Onis came and tazed Lloyd before he had to chance to react which led to him blacking out and falling on the floor. Then they chained him up and brought him to the Omega.


Zane tryed many things on the computers but nothing seemed to work whatsoever.

"My data banks are not familiar with any of this. All this coding is incrypted in some sort of acient language that I can't seem to understand. It seems that Jay has managed to confuse me because none of this makes sense." Zane said.

"Then what are we gonna do?" Wildfire asked.

"I'm not to sure, however I have a plan C." Zane said.

Then he went down to the front of the deck and the others followed him. Then Zane grabbed a remote and pressed a couple buttons. And then a whole other smaller ship came to them.

"How many ships did you make?!!!" Wildfire asked.

"I made one more just incase this one fails aswell! Sense our team is getting bigger it's wise to have many ships just incase our team splits up." Zane said.

Then they got onto the new ship and went straight for Prime evils eye.


"It better work." Lloyd said.

"Alright so first we need to-" Harumi was instantly cutoff.


Lloyd and Harumi imidietly turned around and saw Kai, Cole, Nya, Sora, and Euphragia running towards them.

"GUYS! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Lloyd yelled.

"I guess we can scratch out my plan then." Harumi said.

Then the five ran to them and stopped to catch their breaths.

"Are you guys ok, who are you running from?!!!" Lloyd asked concerned.

Then thats when the Oni King came into view.

"I see." Lloyd said.

"We need to get out of here asap!!!" Harumi yelled.

Then when she and Lloyd turned around that's when they were greeted with a suprise.

"None of you are going anywhere." Said the Omega.

Then a huge army of Oni came behind him and Lloyd spoke.

"You've got to be kidding me."

To be continued...

Word count- 1,078

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