🖤His Return🖤

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Cole's Cam-

"LLOYD THIS ISNT YOU!!!" Cole yelled while protecting Nya and Kai.

Lloyd growled loudly in response and continued to walk towards Cole. Cole got into his fighting position ready to defend Nya and Kai when all of a sudden Lloyd was shot in the head from behind and he immediately fell to the ground and blacked out. Cole gasped and looked around and suddenly saw three figures approaching him.

"WHO THE HECH ARE YOU?!!!" Cole yelled.

Then the figures showed themselves.

"Lord Ras and....wait, who the hech are you?!!!" Cole asked.

"I'm Jor!!!-" Jordona said before getting cut off.

"Never mind that JUST TELL ME WHAT DID YOU DO TO LLOYD?!!!" Cole demanded.

"I shot him with a special something that knocks out Onis and Dragons." Ras says.

Cole gasps, then suddenly Ras pulls something out of his pocket and blows dust at Cole which causes him to black out. Then his Cam turns off and so does his audio.


"There isn't any that don't involve the others to physically turn on their audios and cams!" Jay said.

"Wait aren't there trackers on their suits?!!" Arin said.

"Ofcourse!!!" Zane realized.

"I can try accessing them" Jay said.

"And i'll pull up the trackers on the bounty!!" Zane yelled.

"Huh...it seems that they're moving real close to...this place called 'prime evils eye'...if anything I'd say they seem to be heading towards the middle of that area" Jay said.

"Prime evils eye? But the island shouldn't exit as I saw it get destroyed during the merge!" Zane said.

"Uhhh what's 'Prime evils eye'?" Sora asked.

"It's an evil island that Lloyd went several times for many missions!" Arin answered.

"Arin is correct, but why would they take them there when Lloyd knows his way around there?"


The Ninja were taken hostage to Prime evils eye. After being on their enemies ship for twenty minutes, Kai woke up.

"Wh-where...am, I?" Kai said softly while slowly opening his eyes.

Kai then checked his surroundings and found to be taken hostage.

"Again...?" Kai said annoyed.

Then he realized that he wasn't the only one taken, so was Cole, Nya, and Lloyd were also taken. Nya and Cole were wrapped around in vengstone chains and Lloyd was also wrapped around in vengestone chains and in other chains that were green. He also had two Oni standing on both his left and right holding a staff each. The staffs were black and purple, and gold on the top of it. Seeing this made Kai angry as his family was being held hostage and were tied up and defenseless. Well him, Nya, and Cole were defenseless meanwhile Lloyd could just breakthrough those chains in an instant, which is probably why he's being guarded. Then thats when Kai realized that Lloyd had changed back to his normal self.

"He must have calmed himself down somehow?" Kai mummbled to himself.

Then suddenly Lloyd twitched and eventually started opening his eyes. Then thats when Kai couldn't miss Lloyd's bright piercing magenta eyes. It seems that Lloyd didn't calm down fully but he calmed himself down enough to transform back to himself. Then suddenly Lloyd growled in the deepest tone you'll ever hear, but he didnt move, he just sat there growling at the two Oni who were guarding him. Kai then noticed that Lloyd looked weak by his facial expression. Then Kai realized that those green chains are only around him and no one else and that it's possible those chains make Oni weak, as Lloyd looks extremely weak and when he growls like that that means he would have gone on a rampage by now. And the fact that the two Oni guarding him are keeping there distance more then they should.

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