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No one's pov-

After everyone finished dinner they went to their rooms but as the kids were going to their rooms they heard crying, and it was coming for Lloyd's room. So the kids went to check it out and peeked through the crack in the door way. They saw Nya crying with hers head on Lloyd's shoulder while Lloyd and Kai were patting hers back and trying to calm her down.

"It's ok Nya it's ok." Lloyd said.

"Its just! I love him and I'm his yang and he's my yin and he hates me now and now I'm alone!!!" Nya sobs.

"Your not alone sis you have us" Kai said.

"Yeah it's alright Nya we're here for you" Lloyd said.

"B-but I really love him and he doesn't even know who I am!!!" Nya yelled as she crys even more on Lloyd's shoulder.

Kai hugged Nya very tight and Lloyd joined in while Nya was squeezing the life out of Lloyd's arm. But Lloyd didn't care if she was cutting off his circulation on his arm cause he cares about her a ton.They sat there for awhile hugging and sharing tears as for Kai and Lloyd, they lost their best freind.

"I feel bad for them." Arin whispered.

"Me too" Euphragia Sora, Geo, and Wildfire whispered.

The kids then decided to leave them alone and they went to their rooms.

The next day...

Everyone was training outside and eventually noticed that three people were missing from training.

"Hey where's the Smiths?!!!" Cole asks.

"What do you mean?" Zane asks.

"The Smiths! You know Kai, Nya, and Lloyd!" Cole says.

"But Lloyd's last name is Garmadon not Smith." Zane says

"Yeah but they practically adopted him! Now anyways ima go look for um anyone wanna come with?" Cole says.

"We'll come!" Sora, Arin, Euphragia, and Wildfire yell.

"Alright then, Geo you comin?" Cole asks.

"No I think I'm fine training" Geo says.

"Ok! Zane watch him please!" Cole says.

"I will" Zane replies.

So Cole, Arin, Sora, Euphragia, and Wildfire go in the monastery and approach Nya's room. They didn't find anyone their so they went to Kais room and same result. They then went to Lloyd's room and that's where they found all three of the Smiths sleeping together on Lloyd's bed.

"Man. You see kids. This is what your fathers do. They find a way to sleep in to skip training." Cole said.

"But I thought Lloyd never skips training unless he's ill?" Arin says.

"And when he's not in the mood...and when he doesn't feel like it...and when he's not interested...wow he skips training alot!!!" Cole yelled.

"H-huh?..." Lloyd groaned.

"COLE!!!" The kids yelled.

"I don't wanna wake up..." Kai groaned.

Nya then groaned aswell as they were all very tired from staying up all night crying. Cole then walked into their room and spoke.

"Hey Smiths it's time to get up you three!" Cole said.

"No....." Lloyd, Nya, and Kai said.

"Up now!!!" Cole yelled as he pulled their blanket off them.

They then groaned and got up and rubbed their eyes.

"W-what...time...is...it?..." Lloyd asks.

"Time for you guys to get off your lazy butts and to go to training!" Cole said.

"Why" Kai asked.

"Cause it's 3:45pm!!!" Cole yelled.

"WHAT???" Lloyd yelled as he shot out of bed and Kai fell on the bed because he had his back against Lloyd.

"GUYS GET UP NOW!!!" Lloyd yelled as he ran out of the room.

"And that's how you do it kids." Cole said.

Kai and Nya then got up and walked out of the room. The kids were supprised and amazed at what Cole just did as he managed to get them three out of bed at once! After that they went to have dinner and take a break from training.

At the table...

Everyone was eating their food and that's when Cole asked.

"How are you feeling Lloyd?"

"Pretty ok." Lloyd responded.

"I have scanned your vitals, heart rate, ect. And they all seem to be at the right rate to consider healthy."

"Zane, what did we say about scanning me without my permission?!" Lloyd asked.

"To ask first" Zane responded.

"Ok so how about we apply that kay?!" Lloyd says.

"Adding that to my data base now" Zane says.

Everyone continues eating their food until Lloyd Screams in pain. Lloyd holds his stomach tight and has his head facing the floor. He feels a sharp pain, but none like he's ever felt before. A pain that couldn't be matched with any other. A pain that feels worse than dieing or being stabbed. Everyone ran to Lloyd's assist and then thats when Arin falls to the floor in exhaustion and passes out.

"Not again!!!" Sora yells.


"Something is very wrong with them they keep passing out!" Kai says.

"I'm scanning them now" Zane says.

"Weren't you supposed to ask?" Euphragia asks.

"I'm aware of that but he never said I had to ask during an emergency." Zane replys.

"Fair" Sora says.

Zane then scans them a brings some news.

"It seems that they are linked to something or someone." Zane says.

"But who and how?!" Kai asks.

"I'm not sure."


Beatrix and La'Row have been trying to perfect the teleporting for days but finally they have done it.

"It works!!!" La'Row yells in excitement.

"YES!" Beatrix yells.

"Now that it does where must we go first?" La'Row asks.

"I know exactly where to go...set the teleportation to the First Realm!" Beatrix says.

"Oh ofcourse!!!" La'Row says as she catches on to what Beatrix's plan is.

"Checkmate Ninja..."

To be continued...

Word count- 953

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