Tough in a rough world 2

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It's all in the past and now I am a renowned scientist and transformed "Punutao" who is the first human tree to live longer than was expected. Experiments state, punotaos can only live from five up to six years in total. But can extend its life span until ten to fifteen years if the Earth lets it. And I have been alive and kicking for five years that I can still transform, rejuvenate to heal and give others miracles when they need healing or new body parts. I can heal a sick person with just a drop of my blood, sweat or saliva. Weird and disgusting in a way but heck, I can grow a plant with my hands and my sweat if I want to. Trees are that essential in the world's or humanity's safety, health and progress. I just wish we aren't too late to make amends and restore our confused, delicate and crazy earth today, here, now. Hmmm.....!

My mom met dad in a local college where she didn't like him at all. But destiny has it that they should meet there then got to know each other. Dad fell in love with mom and it was the year and era where Filipinos are held captive by Martial Law. Dad didn't allow mom to go home because there's curfew. After that, mom and dad decided to get married, thus, had us. I was the eldest. My two siblings who were with me picking up trash for money worked abroad and had built their own business, that until now they send money for me and my future family. Since they said, they owed everything to me why they were able to study, graduate college and succeeded in life. Our youngest sister is a general practitioner in a hospital in Cavite province. She is planning to work in the U.S. for her residency this year.

It was difficult to be left alone to care for our parents but it's worth it. I love mom and dad but when I lived with my adoptive parents, they were very nice to allow me to help my biological mom and dad. They even supported me in building them a home and providing them monetary support once and in a while. My real dad and mom have their restaurant now and I couldn't ask for anything more from God and my adoptive parents. They made my life better, in fact happy and successful that I couldn't stop thanking God for the blessing and for giving them to me.

Now, it's my turn to give back and pay it forward. The time when I left home and missed my siblings, I always cry and lock myself in my own room so as not to be seen frail, or sobbing. Many times, even if my adoptive parents gave me all the love, support and care, I still missed my own parents who brought me life even if it was hard, poor and ugly. Yet, it was the time when in spite of the poverty or hunger, we were happy, laughing and even have the time to joke around, while eating almost rotten vegetables and meat given by our neighbors and close family friends.

Life was tough that as if all in the world were against us. But God has turned my life around and touched the family who adopted me. From a life of poverty, I suddenly lived abundantly, rich and happy. It wasn't just a coincidence when I met Gates Family who in turn introduced me to the Forts. Thank God for Gates and Mrs. Gwen, Marina, for without them I wouldn't know what could have happened to me or my life without their assistance. My siblings and I worked hard but we were just earning a sum that could give us little food and comforts. But with people who help without asking in return, I realized and could attest that when God send people to make your dreams come true, it's abrupt and as if you don't know what hit you, with the blessing. As if it's some kind of magic, a wishful thinking that turned into reality. A circumstance, chance that turned into a success story. Just like what an influencer who became a well-known leader in the world who quotes,

"Dream Transforms In to Thoughts, Results into Action"

If you, Trust. Believe, you will Receive. And you will!. I can attest to it, since, when I was just a little boy, I can only dream through wishful thinking. And what I dream of is that me and my siblings would be able to eat three times a day or when we get lucky, to eat twice or just once but a full meal every time. Tatay and Nanay aren't home yet since they work odd jobs and full time which hindered them to come home regularly. So, there were times that my siblings and I miss or skip meals several times in a week, just to save enough for the coming weeks since dad and mom will be home the next, so we need to extend the food rations or food coupons given by the government. With a house made out of paper bags, old boxes, newspapers and or cartons or fire wood and sacks, tattered into a dummy hut in the slums. It's useless to shower regularly. I thought if our country progressed, the people will go along with it. But I was wrong. The changes and reforms were not meant for us, poor, but the rich, influential and a handful of people that manages and controls everything in the nation's government. In fact, it's not just our country but the world, changed, yet transformed into a business rink, rigged by entrepreneurs, scammers and opportunists. So, what can the poor and uneducated people do, but to follow what the rich or famous influences and earn their keep from their miserable and low waged jobs. I thought things will change for the better but as if a few people have succeeded in their lives and the majority, were left behind, some just gave up on their dreams and others, rotted or died away, not experiencing a little rest, a tiny taste of riches, fame, or not even a dignified burial. Which, in turn, the affluent gets easily by one phone call, tick of a link online and on insurance apps, lest, the underprivileged and poor get it through loans or be laid on second hand coffins, or give-aways. 

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