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There have been numerous life forms that sprouted from all corners of the universe that Earth is not the only planet that exists now but many others. Planets just like Earth are believed to just appear and now we have 20 of them. We don't know whether this is a dimension where now we are at present and the others maybe are the past, or future realms. Either way, they are still thriving and sliving based on the news and the convention's very informative disclosure of the planets like Earth are performing, they are more sophisticated, technologically advanced and are economically stable than our old Earth and our universe.

Many countries want to venture into businesses and science/technology/ agriculture /arts, etc. experiments with other universes and planets like that of earth, to be able to survive the changes and fast growing population of life forms in other worlds.

How? Well, there are diagrams that the speakers showed us about the changes we need to implement and steps to take to be able to do them. But more in particular is the people who are willing to change for the betterment of societies and the world as a whole. Hmm....Our world needs an overhaul and people in it needs to follow certain protocols and discarding old bad habits or vices such as laziness (due to AI infested civilization). We no longer do stuff but handed all work and duties even easy tasks as brushing our teeth to AI's. My God, it is a catastrophe but we still need to walk, run, hike, fly or move to assume our part as living humans or challenge ourselves to break a sweat or feel pain, hard work or fun. We all gave the hard tasks to AIs that we no longer are challenged or pressured to do a job. For all is so easy and smooth, there is no chaos or war or disagreements. It's kind of boring and peaceful that it's deafening and unreal. Life became a simulation that we no longer have that enthusiasm, excitement or fear since we all have it together and we can just click a button or a gadget to travel, eat or even do leisure without breaking a leg. So, where is the fun in those, none! That's why the Inter-Galaxies Union decided to create a diversion by having fairs, scholarships and competitions for inventors, scientists, businessmen/women, influencers and defenders to create things that would change our current perspective and make life more fun, challenging but innovative for future generations to find inspiration and motivation to live on Earth and other Galaxies soon.

Based on the Bible, the angels which are the Cherubs are already high-tech in their appearance. The Cherubims looked like round mechanical wheels with four wings. They have four heads which are identical of each other and move the same as one and the other that they looked like robots but magical, supernatural. God is the Creator and I believe he is maybe an alien or a superpower that he created the trillions or more of universes and galaxies, planets and stars, etc. that are limitless an unending. Who knows what lies ahead at the end, if there's an end to all these. Our life is limited but maybe we do live forever for after the afterlife we go to another world or realm which maybe never ending, who knows, right? Anyway, while listening to the speaker, it's Marina's turn to talk. She was invited by the convention organizers to speak about our experiments and Punutao. I stood in front of everyone and presented myself as the first 'punotao' to ever survived the surgery and told them that there were more who came after me, who went through the tedious and sophisticated processes successfully. I have been a punutao for five years now and still thriving. I shook the audience's hands an made them feel my arms, and legs to know that there is not really any difference from having a robotic body than of having roots from trees. I can manage and do the usual tasks I do as a scientist or doctor. And I can be more to my love one or family and others by being a punutao like caring for plants and trees, the environment and our earth.

I remember when I was a little girl in Italy....houses were interconnected and that all seems so peaceful, nice and beautiful. Our home was painted white and I still remember the street, Lemon, hmm. I wondered why they called it that, maybe because people there grew lemon trees and moreover, oranges. Italy was my hometown and my heart would always have a place there and call it home forever. Rina, where is your dad?, mom called out for me. I tend to forget where our house is located when I was about eight. My friend and I would bike in the summer sun and laugh at the sweet smelling streets of the town.'s always comforting to be home and find it still intact, beautiful as it was when mom and dad were still alive and calling me for dinner or snack. Why would I think about them now? Hmm...I wonder?

Marina?, Rina, babe?, Jason called when we are about to walk out of the convention center to dine in the hotel near the center, with some other scientists and organizers. Oh, yes, honey!, okay I'm good, mind's just wandering off to home. I miss it, now!

Ahh...we can visit there after the conference, would you want me to book a flight after this?, I added smiling at my love and holding her shoulder while taking the stairs down the conference room.

Yes, that would be great. Thank you!, Marina replied and held Jason's hand for comfort. It's been a while since I had a vacation. And maybe it's about time I do that. Besides, I don't really feel good lately. This morning sickness make me feel sh*t and I haven't told Jason about the baby. Haaa... How can I when I don't even know if he likes kids or what? We've been dating for three months now and I think I have been delayed for more than a month now. So, maybe, my expecting a child is great but what about our work? Ahh, well, maybe we can juggle time up once we get there.

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