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Enid has reasons to be nervous. Today it was her first Day at her new school. After vacation of those 2 months. After those 2 months of vacations she forgot she has to go back. It was her first year of high school. She expects people from her old school to be there. Although there wouldn't be many of them.

She throws her hand trough her blond locks one more time feeling her hands sweat while arriving at school. There were many boys and girls that she dint know. She stared to feel more nervous, really nervous. That's when she she saw a familiar figure in the crowd of people, and she jumped into her

- "liz!" She said excitedly

As she walked up to the girl, liz also seem to see her and ran up to her. Liz was the same height as enid and always smiling. With a big smile she looked at Enid.

- Enid thank goodness you're here! I tough i was gonna be alone. She smiled at her and they went to sit in the cafeteria.

- have you seen anyone else? I really tough i was gonna be alone here. She said crossing her legs.

Enid leaned back on her seat and looked liz in her eyes.

- so far i only found you. Maybe its better. Then we can make new friends. She said with a nervous smile.

The bell rang and they both walked to class. Seeking a seat next to each other. Once they found one the girls turned to the door and looked at all the teenagers that filled the class minute by minute. Enid dint know anyone Who entered. All in their own world with their friends talking.

Enid dint really liked socializing. She preferred to just draw while listening to music at home. She also wore more comfortable clothes: blue jeans with a White shirt with a pink above it.

She doesn't have many friends but has liz right now. And that's for her enough. They always were friends since kindergarten. The girls talked about their holiday, which is disturbed when she heard laughter.

Two brunettes walked trough the door. One had pale skin Black hair in two perfect braids, wasn't that long and had a little but meaningful smile on her face. The other had a darker skin dint have much hair (most Likely bald) with a much bigger smile then the girl with braids.

The pale one catches enids attention. She saw how the girl slightly smiled to the brunette while she was telling her story. Their gazes Met for a second. Enid saw her Black eyes meeting hers.

It was a second. The girl turned her gaze to her friend again and sat down on one of the tables in class.

- "what was that? Saw someone you knew?" Liz asked looking trough the class room.

Enid shook her head.

- "no i dint. Just a fly i guess". She smiled to her friend. Seconds later the teacher entered the class, begging her class.

She said her name to her students. Making a small talk about the first year and what their gonna do. All students gotta go to the front class and introduce themselves. Enid dint like that idea, she hated talking to people in public. She gets nervous and doesn't know what to say. Lucky for her she was in the last row of seats.

The first students introduced themselves. She was impressed by liz. It was easy for her to just go to the front and said her name. Enid picked up her notebook and doodled something in it. She was bored. Another girl was in front of class telling her name. But that voice cathcted Enid attention.

It was her.

She stood in front of class: stripped shirt on with big sleeves. Jeans and had on a Cap. She was very pretty. She looked trough the class and gave a smile.

- "wednesday addams". She said in a more flirt tone. Not looking at anyone. She winked and walked back to her place. Enid already knew a lot of people would think wednesday was pretty.

She turned back to her notebook, soon being her turn to say hi. She stood up and walked to the front. And mumbelt her hello. She heard some people laugh softly but ignored it. It wasn't the first time. But she learned to just ignore it.

Wednesday looked at her with interest, resting her chin on her hand and biting one of her fingers. She looked very pretty. Enid tried as hard as she can not to look at wednesday, and when she was done as fast as she could walked back to her seat. She let out a sigh and smiled when liz patted her shoulder. After 2 hours they had to change class. She hurried and packed her things while her friend pressured her.

- "Come one Enid move your ass faster"! Liz kept saying.

- yea yea one second". And both girls ran out of class to the next one.

She felt someone bump her shoulder, and all the books in her hand fell to the ground. She saw a short girl with Black hair. In front of her laughing at her.

-excuse i dint saw you. She teased smirking. Enid glared at her and picked up her books.

A boy walked up to her kicking on of her books further away. It was another one of wednesday friends.

- you're in my way. The boy excused himself while laughing standing next to another girl

Enid frowned and looked at wednesday who now stood next to her.

- aw don't be so mean. She joked, smiling. She actually meant it. - poor dear ajax.

Wednesday and her friends were making fun of her, apart of that wednesday still found her beautiful. She wanted to know why but dint get any reason to mind. Liz walked up to her saying sorry that she left her alone for a while. She ignored it. But she was wondering if wednesday and her friends are idiots Who are gonna make her life school year a hell.

She dint know what she got herself into...


So first chapter. I tried to make all in my own words and no i am not a prof in English. I kinda write it in easy yk?

Anyways like it so far? I gonna try update today again.

Have a nice Day <3

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