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Amilia screamed when enid arrived at their home.

She dint gave her any time to react, she threw herself in her arms and wrapped her little arms around her neck, hugging her tight. Enid began to laugh.

-hi ami
Enid said with a big smile on her face, looking into her Light brown eyes.

But that smile died, when she saw the little girl crossing her arms and looking at her with a serious look. She May be in trouble.

-what..did i do?
She asked looking from lili to ami. Who watchted the scène with a little smirk.

-why dint you Come visit me nini?
She asked with a little pout, making enids heart melt.

-i couldnt i was busy.
She said, trying to find a excuse, scratching her neck, the little girl raised an eyebrow.

-you still could Come. With my sister?
She said confused pointing to wednesday. But enid shook her head.

-nope to much homework.

-but..but you could Come here, wensy and lili could help you.
She said trying to find a solution so she could Come here more.

-i missed you, miss you so much ami.
Enid said with a smile, but the girl tunred her face in another direction still angry.

-i...i forgive you if you play with me.
She said tunring back to look at enid, who nodded, she knew she liked to play games.

-i play as many as you want.
She said givining the girl in her lap a Kiss on the cheek and bending down to place her on the floor.

The girl looked at her surpised.

-nini! Dont do that im still mad at you!
She said rolling her eyes, and crossing her arms. Just like wedbesday does.

-God youre so cute.
She said crouching down, trapping the girl in a big hug, giving kisses on her belly. While the little one tried to escape.

She said laughing struggling to let go.

After some minutes she managed to let go. With red cheeks and a smile, she looked at Enid.

-Come one ami lets play.

Ami who forgot she was angry, took the gilr by her hand and leaded her to the living room. The other two sister went to the kitchen. Enid found this perfect, she had alone time with the youngest addams. They played shooting games for a while, wich, for enids surpirse, the little addams kicked her butt. But then they played ami's favorite game, the dragons. As they went on adventures, and were playing as a team. One had to fight the monsters to keep them away, as the other was looking for the key, for the castle door. Ami was fightingt those monsters but enid had trouble reaching the lever.

-Come on nini! I dont have all Day.
She half shouted, while stading on the couch pushing all the buttons.

-i cant! I cant!
She said kneeling down on the carpet, trying her all best. There were 3 monsters around her.

-Come one nid!
She shouted, trying not to die waiting for enid to finnaly Come and rescue her. -THEY ARE KILLING. NID!!

She clicked a button very fast, and manged to kill one of the three. But the other two kept hitting her.

-i cant! They are killing me to!

she shouted once more. Enid manged to kill them. With her special move and tunred to ami.

She says excited junping.

The only one Who was in trouble now was ami, who was walking side to side, trying to get away from the monsters. But the monsters killed her, and soon the letters GAME OVER appeard on the screen. While the two girls were looking at the screen with their mouth wide open.

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