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It was friday, enid was at the mall with yoko, all week she had been haning out with the cheerleader when they were bored. Divina couldnt Come with them since she cant miss school forever. They were at a clothing store, as the cheer was trying out a dress. Enid could notice yokos nervousesses for tonight, she hel back a laugh when the girl stumbelt into the locker room.

"Dont be so nervous" she said when she gave her the hanger for the dress.

Yoko undressed herself, they bkth stood in the locker room, wich wasnt that small. She was left in her underwear and none of them felt uncomfortable about it.

"Im not" she said rolling her eyes dressing up.

"Then why are your clotges backwards?" She asked looking at yoko up and down. The cheer cursed and sighed. And changed good.

"Okay maybe im a little nervous" she admit. "But everything is going to be fine"

Enid nodded with a smile, when her Phone ringed, a little bit scared she raised her Phone, seeing lily who asked her to call. All week everyone tried to call her, but she just ignored them. She even got a call from the brunettes house, but she was too scared to pick up, that the girl would Come to her house, she had been gone with yoko all week. Enid knew she was running away, but that instead of rejection.

"At some point you have to talk to her" the cheer said, she had been getting girls from the brunette all week, upset that the girl dint call back.

"I dont know what your talking about" she pretened not to know.

"Forget it. Come one lets find one for you" she said taking her hand and dragging her to look for a dress. This was going to be a long after noon..

It was night, and yoko had got divina, the three were at the amusementpark. Even tho divina dint know the girl was at one of the bences eating her cotten candy. She adjust her jacket not to be cold, while she watched the couple play bumper cars in the distance. Divina seemed so happy, as yoko looked very in love. After that they went to the game section, enjd went with them, just to make sure nothing happend to them. Until now.  As she bought herself a drink, something went worng, as they called for her.

"Look its the weirdo in love!" It was ajaxs voice, along wjth his friends. Lucky for her wednesday wasnt there. "Dont worry sinclair if your looking for wednesday shes somewhere else."

Enid dint say anything, she wanted to go, when hé placed a hand on her shoulder and made her sat back down.  Ajax smirked at her, as rowan stood next to him. Bianca stood behind her but she wansnt happy.

"Why do you like the girl tyler is with?" Hé asked sitting next to her. Enid tried to move away.

"I want to go" she said firmly, but her hands were shaking.

"What you did to our friend isnt right sinclair" ajax sajd smiling, even tho his gaze showed hate. "Because of you, yoko is dating your lesbian friend"

Enid went furios, she wanted to walk up to him and punch him, but rowan took her hands and prevented from doing so. Smiling evil.

"Let go" she said firmly looking hatred. But ths biy sqeeuzed her arms even more. Enid felt sore. "Now seriously"

"Rowan let her go" bianca said stepping between the two boys, enid looked at her hopefully, since now they held her waist wich made her breath difficult.

"What now you defend the lesbian?" Hé asked confused but mad. The girl sighed deeply but spoke again.

"Rowan i said let her go" she sajd once again but the boy dint pay attention to it.

Ajax walked up to her threathingly, making the girl step away. She couldnt take it anymore when out of nowhere xavier stepped between them.

"Did you lose something?"

"Your face, let her go before i punch you" he said rasing her arm tightly. As bianca tried to push him away.

"Xavuer...hes going to Hurt you leave him" he begged him but the boy ignored her.

"I want to see that" he said but before he knew it got a punch from xavier.

Bianca screamed as he took her hand and walked away with her. Enid took advance and ellbowed him in his private, and runned away now she could. Ajax screamed behind her, as his friends probably wwre with bianca and xavier. Enid pushed trought people, them looking at her ad if she were crazy. She even went trought one of the stands distroying some of them and wanst surprised if ths man was after her too now.

"Let me go" she shouted running.

"Come back sinclair" shs heard rowan scream, and to prevent him from taking her she went trought a ride.

"Fuck you" she yelled back, looking behind her to see a rage boy. Big mistake.

She dint realize what was ahead of him, and bunped into a couple. She hearf the boy complain, and fell ontop of a girl, but she placed her hands on the ground not to Hurt her.

"Who are yiu?" She heard wednesdays voice asked. Enid raised her face to see enid. And after so many days they met. "Enid?"

"Wednesday.." she asked and realized that they were very close. The brunette bluhsed looking away from her.

She hearf screams and looked behind her to see tyler. Hé tried to get uo, but was Hurt. Enid tought this was her kast time alive so did the last tging she could.

She placed wednesdays hands above her head, placing then there so she couldnr leave. She opened her eyes and wanted to speak when the blondes lips silanced her. She kissed her firmly, while she placed little chased kisses on her lips. While wednesday tried to speak.

"E-enid...where....you...dint....wait!" She tried to say, but she couldt, while the girl only plaved kisses on her lips not wanting to do anything else. When she git a Kiss she would close her eyes for a few seconds, and when the blonde moved away she tried to speaks, just for enid to place a Kiss on her lips once again.
"Enjd...stop...you made...where.....why. not....anwsered...call....ens..listen." she just kept giving her kisses. Until sge felt a blow on her rips, wich made ber fall to the ground next to the brunette.

Enid still with her eyes closed, and her arms above her head, opend her eyes a few seconds later when she dint feel enid anymore. And watched in horror as Tyler walked furious to enid. Laying short distance away from her.

"You dont give up do you?!" He said trying to reach her. But wednesday held her arm.

"Leave her alone!" She yelled at him but ge pushed her away.

Enid was still in pain, wednesday stood up, and the boy walked up to her. She moaned when the boy hit her arm. The best was if she stood up so she did. Wednesday was fine bur watched everything in horror. She moved away from tylers blow and runned away.

"Your a crazy person!!" The brunette yelled at tyler wich hé also did. The couple was fighting, but in a good way.

Enid runned around, she dint know where the girls were but she hoped they had a perfect date. She knew this since when she was at the parking lot, she saw the two kissing agaisnt yokos car. Divina had a yellow beat while having kisue ears as did yoko.
After watching them fkr a while she heard screams wich ment for her to go. She runned to the car and went inside.

"What the hell?!" Yoko said looking at enid, but when she saw an anrgy rowan and tyler, she understood. "Damn enid what did you do?!"

The two also went in the car and quiclky drove off. And left the two boys behind, and after a few meters away enid finnaly ciukd breath.

"Okay weirdo right now yiure going to explain" yoko said angry already on the road.

"Your friends are crazy." She said first and then explainded the whole story.

Monday inst going to be fun.


Enid got her Kiss yayayya.

I dont have much to say.

So uh...hu how are yiu? Had a good day? I did! Im sleepy tho...

So how was your day?


If this chapter gets 18 votes i post 2 times tommowr.

3 more chaps till the second part :(

Byeeeee. 🩷

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