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Im so tired 😭

But hope you enjoy!

Finnaly it was the last Day of school. Enid thanked heaven, the turtore did finnaly end.

After the camp, with wednesday, it were just insult, after the night, the next Day, wednesday compleetly ignored her and ehen they left for the bus and leave the bus, she dint say a word.

She only said something when, her and her friens came to bother them. A few days ago, it had been the final game of the soccer team. And wednesday looked incredabel on the field waving her pom poms.

But now she had to go trought another 2 months not seeing the brunette. And that depressed her...a lot. But her friends were right, she had to go over her, but how? Tye brunette was everywere she was.

"We are going to get you a boy or girlfriend you have to get over ir" duvina said, as they walked over the parking lot.

"Kent asked me out" abby co ffesed as the three friend s looked worried.

Abby got more respect from the group and then the others, but that dint take away that the defender from the soccer team (kent) went out with many girls.

"And you go?" Enid askd surprised. She dint like that boy.

"Yes! I mean i like him" she said, her cheeks turned red, as liz stopped walking and looked at the sky.

"GOD SERIOUSLY? all my friends?" She asked "couldnt you leave me with at least ONE Who had a braina?!" The three friends looked at her surprised.

"What are you talking about maxwell?"

"First yiu" she said poiting to enid and divina. " and after you two even abby!"

"Hey!" Her frienss defended themselves.

"Were gonna find you a date dauring holdidays, dont worry maxwell" abby said playfull.

Liz huffed.

Suddenly some students on the other side, began to celebrate. Thorwing balloon in the air, as everyone higged eachother. It was True that seniors were graduated now. Enid smiled in excitement, onky two more years left for her and she also gradutes. She hoped next year would be better. The four of them went to the cafetria, trying to avoid all the celebrations. Other people were also very excited, because it was the last Day of school. Enid watched witg jrrtation, as she saw wednesday sitting with Tyler between her legs, talking with her friends. She let out a frustrated sigh. Long stroy short, this vacation inst going to hé easy.

"Im going to forget that girl, im going out with someone" she snorted angry, as liz let out a cry on happiness.

"Great! I Will help you"

a while later, bianca stomred into the cafetria, screaming follwed by xavier and some boys. Everyome was around them.

"Dont talk to me!" She screamed as she walked up to her friends.

"Bianca listen" xavier tried, but one of her friends psuhed him away, ajax.

"Go away loser, leave her alone" he told him, as everyone started to laugh. Abby went to the circle and stood in the middle.

The girls looked at ecahother, and decided to help her. Enid made her way trought the bodies with divina, they became very close now seeing abby pushing ajax away from her brother.

"Dont touch my brother idiot!" She said. UUUHHH began to heard trought the crowd.

"Shut up you bitch!!" He repsond laughing with his friends. Kent was among them, but with a serious face.

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