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Ya all did it!!

Whats better on the update?

Suffer wenclajr even more.



On the first Day, they did many activities: as they learned how to make a campfire, and craft fish. Enid spended the whole Day with wednesday, she loved it. She had been placed in a group, along with Tina again. So while the three were walking, they made a groups walk, she could watch her all the time.

Tina talke to her, but enid dint really paid much attention, and everytime Tina is about to touch her, the brunette calls her to Come forward. Enid really tought she dint like her, so that made her depressed...but was happy aigna when she was able to hold her hand to cross the River without falling. Wedbesdays hand was cold but soft. She felt Electrick shock trought her body, once she took her hand. It was a shame she had to let go soon after.

"My feet hurtttt" Tina said after a while, when the other groups were already ahead of them.

Enid saw the looks dhe got from her friends, everytime she was close, or looked at wednesday. She had tried to show them that it wasnt anything when crossing the river, but she probably Will be scolded by them later.

"I could carry you" enid said, wednesday dint paid much attention to the conversation, bur when she heard that, she tunred her head to listen more. "But since my legs also Hurt is cant"

"Oh Come one!" Tina cried out, pushing her playfully on the shoulder, as wednesday huffed.

"Stop foolling around, the group is already ahead of us freak" as she took steps away from them, walking to ere the group was.

When they reached the waterfall, everyone is impressed. It fell over huge rocks. The teacher told them, not to go far away in the forest and if you go to swim, be careful. Enid remeberd seeing wednesdays swimsuit underneat her clothing. Her heart beated faster, that means she sees her almost naked? (Almost cuz she has a swimsuit on). But she felt how hands of her friends, took her with them to a more queit place.

"Dont you dare think we let you make a fool of yourself, while you look At that bitch" divina told her and liz nodded.

"What you talking about?" She asked nervous."

"Whats were talking about is that she dint even take off her clothing and your drooling already. " divina said.

"I wasnt doing that!"

"Oh? You werent planning on watcing her undress do you?" Divina asked saractic as enid blushed.

"You were going to do it!" Liz scolded her.

"Im just a human" she said Turing around. "Now lets go swim!"

They walked back to the mountians, as she also linstend to how an idiot shs was. But she found abby in a blue swimsuit at the egde. The rest pf the girls had already take off her clothes, enid was wearing a swimsuit with white top and Black bottem. She heard a whistle.

"Damn sinclair, who knew you were Hot?" Her friend said and pushed her, causes her to fall in the water.

The three of them started laughing, when they saw her soaked hair, she looked like a wet dog. Enjd tried to not scream when she fell in the water. She was cold, she was very cold, she corvered herself with her hands as she rubbed them. She looked at her friends with angry eyes.

"You'll pay" she said pointing at her friend.

"God no please ens, dont act stupid" liz begged her, but she dint understand.

That was until she heard a laugh, wednesdays laugh. She was a little further away, under the waterfall, with her friends, wetting eachother.
Enids breath got away in seconds.

Ans there was ednesday, with her perfect body, and her white skin. Wearing the white swimsuit she has seen before. Her hair combied in a bun. She laughed a lot, and seriously, she felt like her heart was coming out of her body. She tunred her body, back to her, and raised her face to the sky.

"Uhm what are you doing?" Abby asked, as enid moved her slips silence.


"For?" The brunette asked.

"In ordre not to sleep jn the same tent as wednesday addams, i wont make it out alive" she muttered with her eyes closed.

"Amen" liz and divina anwsered.

As thsy continued the Day with splashing around laughing, as enid pulled ljz down her legs, and began chasing her. She dint see who was in front of her, she was only focused on getting away from liz.

"Sinclair look out!"

"Catch meee" she said and heard a screan before she bumped into someone.

She dint know Who it was, it only was a warm body, who her arms hugged her body tightly, she let out a scream when they slipped down the rocks, and fell into the water.

Shs hugged the body even more tight, as they sank and floated aigan. Tgey were couching trying to get air, as she saw brunette hair. Her body tensed as she knew Who that was, liz watched them.

"Cough cough!" The poor brunette kept couching, she separated from the blondes chest to look at her. As her body shivered, but not from the cold. "What?"

"Ims sorry i..." she couldt speak, since their faces were super close. Enid got lost in those eyes what drove her crazy.

Wednesday dint say anything either, she was also looking in her eyes. They just did that, for seconds looking in eachothers eyes. Enjd could feel she was dying to Kiss her. Her need was so much as she moved away from her, seeking personal space, getting wednesday to react as well.

Her cheecks tunred red as she moved away from the blonde, looking at her angry. Enid felt a tingle in her body as she had felt wednesdays body.

"Look out ididot" she said removing her arms swimming away from her looking in her eyes.

"I dint see you"

"Youre blind" she breathed heavily saying that, still looking at enids eyes.

"Jt also happend because you wwre in the way" she said making her more angry, and threw her wet hair back, ans stared at her with a smile. Wednesday dint say anything for a few seconds, watching her and blinking. "Cat got your tongue?"

That question made wwdnesday alove aigan, shook her head and coudl speak again, defensive.

"Shut up!" She snapped, tunred around and swimmed away, to her boyfriend, with red cheecks.

Enjd came out and went to liz.

"That was..."

"Patatic" she said and opned her eyes. "They gonna screw you"

Enid follwed her gaze, and saw tylers angry eyes, hé seemed very furious as her hugged the brunette. She retunred the look but inside, she felt nervous, she knew shes gonna pay when their back at school. They tried to ignore it and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

It should be said, even wensesday ignoring her, looked beautiful with her red cheecks of the fire.

Enjd dint think her luck was bad. But as always she was worng...


This one is shorter but the next Will be longer. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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