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"One whole week?!" Divina said, as she sat next to yoko. They were at the pizzaria, while she put her milkshake in front of her. The two smiled at each other before enid spoke.

"A week can you fucking believe this?" Enid said very upset and angry with Tyler. She had sevreal bruises on her face.

Yesterday, after the director found out about the fight, hé took them to his offcie and all three are expelled for a week. When they called her partens, thsy were furious, but after she told them it had been out of selfdefense, they were more Light. The partens of the two girls had liked each other well, and even tonight they were having dinner toghter. Seemed perfect to them. Today divina had missed school saying she was "sick" but actully did it to be with the two girls. 

Now they were toghter to talk about yesterday.

"At least Tyler also got punished." The brunette said with a little smile. She had a open lip, but it dint Hurt so much anymore.

"That boy is an idiot, how could hé eve  Hurt you?" Divina comment, sipping her milkshake with anger. She tunred to yoko and placed a few fingers over her lip. "Does it Hurt much?"

"Not so much, but you could cure them" the girl smirked and interwicthed their hands toghter and placed a Kiss on divinas hand. Wich made the girl blush.

"Damn you guys make me feel single" enid said and stuck out her tongue. But syill remeber what she co ffesed yesterday.

-how so sinclair? Did you manged to talk to her?" Yoko raised and euebora waiting for a response. Still holding divinas hand.

"Nope" she said simply.

"Yesterday was not the best way to say it...but at least the message was loud and clear." Divina sajd trying to cheer her uo and see it on the bright side. But enid only sighed.

"Did you mange to talk to her?" She asked yoko, who dint know to wheter anwser or not. But ended uo nodding. "Did she say anything about..."

"Stop it sinclair i cant talk to you abiut that, because wednesday would kill me. But you shiuld know shes angry with tyler" she said taking a breath and a sip from her milkshake. Then winked at her. "I think this time it is serious"

"They may end now" divina said smiling to her friend.

She was able to make her smile a little, as the corner of her mouth went up. It was a weak smile but better then nothing.

"Do you expect that?" She asked looking at yoko. Who was playing with divinas hair but paid attention to her after.

"What? That you were in love with my best friend? Somethjng like that yes...you always looked at her...diffrent" she tried so hard not to amile but ended uo smiling. How did she manage to love the girl she swore to hate?

Now the only ones was missing was bianca and liz.

"I told you you were being oblvious" divina smriked making enid roll her eyes.

"Doesnt matter she probaly discust by now or so." She went upset again laying her head in her arms.

(Love is hard...)

Divina lokked at het friend with sadness, stroking her hair looking at yoko trying to knkw if she knew how to help her. But enid shook her head as if she was saying: "i cant talk abiut it" yoko looked at enid and wabted to say something but seeing divinas face made her shut up.

"Well what shiuld we do today? Its a beautiful day outside and long way to go before dinner" yoko tried to chaged the subject, the girl shrugged her shoulders.

"A movie?"

"My house or yours?" Divina said now smiling at her bestfriend.

"Yours" enid said now more happy, to annoy her friend she added. "But dont stay kissing all after noon cuz then im going home"

" then you have to go home alre- ouch!" Yoko said looking at divina when she hit her shiulder. "Im jjst letting her know!"

"Dont worry wers going to watch the movie nid" she said smiling irnoring yoko wich made her laugh.

"Its a good thing we arent expelled from the raven" yoko comment as if it were nothing. Enid frowned.

"The raven?"

"The winter dance in two week ens dont you rember?" Divina aksed. Enid shook her head.

"I never know these things..."

"Butttt are you going?" The cheerleader asked smirking, enid shook her head slowly.

"I dont have a partner plus ik not good at dancing" she sajd. "Do you have someone to go with?"

Yoko shut up immedetly, and divina pretened to play with the stwar of her drink, while she gave her secret clanges. Wich made yoko blush.

"Eh.. well not yet" she laughed nervously, wjth her body stiff. And tunred to divina. "Ub divina...i know we dint have out f-first date yet...b-but w-would-"

She tried saying it whiel divina waited with a small smile carresing her hand for comfort.

"Do you...do you want yo be....do you wanna go to the ball with me?" She said with red cheeks. She let out a sigh when she finnlay let it out, as enid laughed. "I dont see anything funny weirdo."

"Well..you kissed her many times, but is embarrashd to ask her out to the ball. Thats funny" she said looking at the cheers red and angry face.

Divina also had a blush and an adorbale smile on her face, she leaned closer and held her face with two hands so she looked at her.

"Ofcourse i wanna be your date. I love you yoks." She said with a beight smile, whil yoko also smiled silly.

-i also love you." Yoko said placing her hands on her on her face. And gave each other a gentle Kiss.

"Ewwwww" enid complaind wjch made the girl move away and laugh.

They wers apart, but held hands with a lot off happiness looking at each other. Then at enid.

Love is beautiful...but maybe not for enid.


"Dint worry i can give you a Kiss too" the girl winked but enid made a face.

-no thanks i prefer short brunettes" she sajd wich her and her bestfriend laugh.


You May ask. Why tf cant wenclait have this?!

Well thats simple. Since enid is a little bit dumb in this one. I also live the dramaaaaa.

Then yiu May ask. Is she gonna mess up again?

Yes she is.

But thats for another part. *wink wink*

Luv ya all.

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Also 4 more chapter :(

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