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Thank you so much for 3k reads i love you all

Pls read after the story what i have to say abt my posts.

September highschool year 3:

a long summer, 62, she had fun with her friends. But ofcourse also wednesday addams got into her toughts.

She planned to forget the girl, but how? Since she was thinking about the Kiss all the time. Everyday she tought about that moment, it never left her mind, and when she had to sleep, she dreamed about the girl. Her lips, her taste, her touch, she could all still feel on her body. And then she missed her even more. But her frirnds always told her she has a boyfriend, and inst going to feel the same as her, not even in a milion years. And how much it hurted, enid knew it was the truth.

She knew they were right, but the way she had kissed her was diffrent. She was also happy, that now her friend divina, couldnt scold her anymore. Since she also had a crush, on wednesdays best friend.

When either of them fell into a depression, they helped eachother, during the summer, divina cried several times and spend the night at enids house, the two of them watching romantic movies, and eatting ice cream while hugging. Enid loved divina, and divjna loved her, toghter they suffering for being in love wjth idoits, made their friendship stronger. Liz regretted the moment, her three friends fell in love with idiots. What what could she do? Abby was talking about kent all the time. They were in xaviers car talking queitly, ready for their first Day of school, once again.

Divin was nervous, but she was sure she Will ignore yoko.

"I bet at the end of the Day, she has talked to her" abby bet liz, as they did that.

"You Will lose because i wont say a word to her" divjna sajd from the backseat next to enid. Abby sat in front with her brother.

"Dont worry, when you willl stop loking that brunette it Will be the same day as enid stops drooling over addams" xavier said happily, causing liz and abby to laugh. But the two girls werent happy.

Enid huffed irrtated. She also had the struggle that, when she kissed her two months ago, she had to see her again. She dint know how the girl woudl react. If she would take revenge on her, or make her life more miserbale then she already did. Xavier parked the car in ths parking lot, when they arrived, adn stepped out. Divina slammed the door still furious, while her friends laughed at her.

"Come on div dont be angry" liz told her, hanging on her neck. But divjna ignored her.

"Enid are we going in?" Div asked her totally ignoring liz

"Yeah" enid responds, as the five of them walked to the door. She was 16 years old, and ready to go trought the school year. But she wasnt ready to see wednesday, adn there she was.

"Shit" she whispered, stopping after a few steps for the entrance. Abby follwed her with her eyes and also saw the girl.

"Yiu have to pass her anyways ens" abby told her in a whisper, as the five of them saw the brunette.

On one of the tables was wednesdays group, and there she was, talking with a friend, as she looked incredebale. Her hair was cut in a wolf cut, wich made her even more beautiful. Her skin was a little darker, she had some jeans, and a black long sleeves shirt, as was smiling, like the short smile she always gave. Enjd felt her legs tremble at the sight. She hadnt seen her yet.

"Close your mouth your drooling!" Liz sais getting her out of her trance, as xavier and abby laughed.

"Shut up" she told them, annoyed, as she saw how divina was looking for someone in that friend group. As she went to her and told "do 't look for her div, ita better to avoid her.

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