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Cuz maayanch wanted me to update aigan so i do it :)

Aigan bit of sad chapter..



A week has passed and enid dint talk to anyone, and if she did with her friends, it were small conversations who were cutt off soon aigan. She kept the rest of her consentration on her studies. She spent hours in the livary, escaping reality, from her discusting reality. She was in love with the bitch her friends hated, the same one Who bullies, the same one Who eats her boyfriend in the hallway without pardon, and the same one she tried to avoid all Day.

Now that she knew her feelings, she was very nervous whenever she saw her, like she was more clumsy then ever. Her friends asked her many times whats worng, but she denied or changed the subject. She avoided them, she avoided everyone. When she arrvided home, she went straight to her room to study. She could no longer remeber wich Day it was, or wich the next was, she dint know the time, she dint really care. But wednesday never left her mind.

She walked trought the hallway, her backpack around her shoulders, and without knowing playing with the Zipper of her jacket as she walked. Thats how shes been the last few days. Lost in being in her own world, with non other then wednesday. It was stupid she knew it, but she couldnt help but smile, when she remembered her soft laugh.

"Eniiiiiiiiiid!" Abby screamed hanging around her right arm, as liz took her left.

"What is this about?" She asked a little scared of her friends faces.

Divina tried to Come natural but laughed when she saw what her friends were doing.

-:we are having a girls meeting" she said and the girl dragged her out of school down the street.

-"were are we going? I have to study" enid tried to make excuses to go, but her friends dint let her.

-"enid today is friday" abby said and the girl opened her eyes. Wasnt it thursday?

"And today your are telling us whats worng" liz said with a voice of venom.

Enjd tried to free herself, shook and tried to get out. But her friends hold her tight and there was no way of escaping. They carried her to the pizzeria, when they entered, Jeff greeted him with a smile, as he laughed at how she wanted to escape.

"Now talk" abby demanded.

It looked like a meeting they were at the table: liz and abby were jn front of her with her arms crossed watching her. Enjd swallod dryly, seeing divina aslo watching her. She mention her with her hand for her to talk.

-"w-what do you want me to say?" She asked nervous about her friends gazes. Trying to sound like she doesnt understand.

Liz placed her glass on the table and raised an eyebrow

-"talk now! Sometings up. You basicly dont live in this wolrd for over a week" she said as enid lowerd her gaze.

-"did they do something to you?" Abby asked, worried.

-"nothings has happend...really"




Her friends were driving her crazy. But she just couldnt tell them.

-"nothing happend!" She said a little louder, and some people from other tables looked at her. She sank and whispered "Stop the topic"

-" please enid, you dont sleep, you only study, you dont spend time with Us abymore! I dint see you laugh for a moment the past few days, you have a Blank face and stare into space, like your into another world" liz said taking a sip of her milkshake.

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